Page 22 of The Wedding Dare

“How was the golf?” his dad asked when he arrived.

“I beat Leo and tied Nick. Mom and this new girl, who is in Leo’s field of business, played fair games.”

“Your mom didn’t play well?” his father asked.

“No, Dad, she didn’t. She is doing a good job of being the perfect hostess, but we both know she’s not on her A game.”

“I know,” his dad said. “I have no idea how to fix this.”

“Me neither,” Logan said. “Dad, what were you thinking?”

August rubbed the back of his neck, got up from the rocker and moved to the porch railing. “I can’t say. When I was younger, the challenge drove me.”

It wasn’t much of an answer because Logan knew his father still liked a challenge. So did that mean he wouldn’t rule out cheating on Juliette again?

“You wanted to talk business?” he asked.

“Yes. Carlton is already working on the spin, but I saw article in a small paper about someone buying the patent to a new energy-efficient, low carbon emissions grain turbine.”

“What about it?” Logan asked. His dad couldn’t possibly know that he’d been the one to buy it. He’d done it through a small company he’d purchased under an LLC he’d started in college. There was no connection to Bisset Industries.

“Just thought it was curious as that patent had been one that I know Williams, Inc., has been trying to purchase for a long time. Just seemed odd that it would be snapped up from under them,” August said.

“It is odd, but you know business is business.”

“Until it’s family,” August said.

His dad knew. Somehow his father seemed to know it was him. “Yeah, well, things happen. I’d say that Nick didn’t get as many of your genes as he should have if he let it slip away.”

“You think?” August turned to face him. His appearance was just as intimidating as it had always been. His hair might be salt-and-peppered now and there were more sunlines around his eyes despite the fact that he had skin care treatments to stay younger looking.

“Dad, if you have something to say, just say it,” Logan said.

“Confession is good for the soul,” August said.

“Is it? Then why did you wait so long to tell us you’d had an affair while Mom was pregnant with me?” Logan asked. The rise of anger inside him was almost unstoppable. He turned away from his father to stop himself from blurting out all the other things he wanted to say. He was pissed. They all were. Their father had always been a strong and domineering force in their family but now... Logan looked at him and saw a man who wasn’t who Logan had always believed he was.

“That’s none of your business. It was between Mom and me. I’m asking you about a business deal. Did you buy up the patent?”


“Damn it, Logan. He’s family now.”

“He wasn’t when I did it. And he’s an ass. Just because he’s suddenly my half brother doesn’t change all the times he’s dicked us over in business. I’m not going to just smile and shake hands. Sorry if the timing of my purchase isn’t ideal for whatever you and Carlton have planned.”

“Kid, it’s not ideal because your cousin is marrying him on Saturday. She’s family. This is going to hurt her.”

He knew that. He’d wrestled about that very fact for longer than anyone would believe, even his father. But his need to beat Nick had outweighed Adler’s possible hurt feelings. “I don’t think Adler cares about business.”

“Me either, but she does care about our rivalry with his family.”

Logan shook his head and almost walked away. “Would you have made a different decision? If the opportunity had come to you instead of me, would you have passed?”

“No,” August said. “I wouldn’t have. But I always thought you had some of your mom’s kinder side.”

“I do. I’m definitely more charming than you are,” Logan pointed out.

“Yes, but you’re just as dangerous as I am,” August said. “I think we need to let Nick know before it comes out on Monday.”