Page 20 of The Wedding Dare

“You and women you actually like,” Logan said. “You just can’t lower your guard and be real.”

“Like you’re such an expert at that,” Leo said.

“I’m not. I suck at it too. As much as we both hate it, we are very similar in a lot of ways.”

“I don’t hate to admit it,” Leo said. “I’ve always tried to be like you...but better.”

Logan shook his head. His youngest brother never gave an inch. Actually, now that he thought about it, Danni Eldridge probably didn’t stand a chance once Leo decided he was going after her.

“You try. That’s all you can do,” Logan said. “I wish Dad had come today. I know he thinks it’s better if he stays away, but he loves golf, and it might have been good for him and Mom to be partners.”

“You think so? She still looks like she’s upset with him,” Leo said as he glanced over at her. “I don’t blame her. I’m mad at him and it’s not even close to being the same.”

Logan nodded. “Dad screwed up. I wonder if he thought he was doing the right thing when it happened.”

“He didn’t know Nick’s mom was pregnant,” Leo said. “He probably just figured his affair had ended, and Mom was pregnant with you, so he might have been happy to have it be over.”

Logan nodded. Was that what his father had felt? It was always so hard to judge. His siblings all thought that he and August were the closest and, to be fair, they were close when it came to leading Bisset Industries. But personally he doubted he knew his father any better than the rest of his siblings. To be honest, his father never revealed much.

Logan thought his father had a certain charm, but he could also be very brusque—even with their mother. How did a woman love someone like that? Could she? He realized he wasn’t just thinking about his dad but, really, he wondered if Quinn could find something inside of him—no. He wasn’t going to go down that path. It was just that since he’d left her bed, he’d been missing her.

He could say that one night was all he wanted but being surrounded by all these couples, not just Adler and Nick, but the other couples here, had an effect on him. Even seeing Iris and Zac together, who were paired up and not speaking to each other as they played, made Logan long for more with Quinn.

Logan had always prided himself on being an island. On not needing anything but the next win. But for the first time he saw the price that winning had on personal relationships. He didn’t say it out loud to Leo, though he was pretty sure his father had thought that he’d won by having his affair, not getting caught, and moving on. He ate up that kind of conquest. Logan tried not to dwell on the fact that he’d been that kind of man too at one time.

Logan hadn’t ever cheated on Quinn when they’d been together in college, but there had been times when he’d thought about it. It would have just been a subtle dig at her because she was smart and clever, and part of him had wanted to see if he could fool her. Luckily, he’d been intelligent enough to know that was a losing path.

How had his father not seen that?

Leo left to flirt with Danni again and his mom came over to take her shot. “You’re looking so serious, boyo.”

“I’m just thinking about Dad and wondering why he does the things he does,” Logan admitted. “I mean—”

“Don’t worry about it. I wonder the same thing all the time. I think sometimes he does it just to see if he can get away with it. Other times I think...well, he might stumble into something and though he regrets it when it’s over, he never can admit he made a mistake.”

“What good would admitting it do?” Logan asked. He had a feeling he might be in a situation where everyone was going to hate him in a few days, and he wasn’t sure how to handle it. He should probably just come clean but he was embarrassed by his actions. As he always was. He hated that he had to win at any cost and it was only after he crossed the finishing line or put a tick in the win column that he looked back to see how it affected those around him.

This wasn’t going to be easy for anyone to hear and at this moment he didn’t want to make them all angry with him.

“It lets everyone around you know that you acknowledge you screwed up and that the hurt you caused wasn’t your intention. After the affair and before Mari was born, things changed with your dad and I. It was the first time that he realized by using arrogance to brazen his way through it, he was hurting me, and he was hurting you and your brothers. He decided at that moment that we meant more than his pride,” she said.

“Did he?”

“I thought so,” she said. But in her tone, he could tell that she wasn’t so sure anymore.

Logan wanted to find the words to tell her that everything would be okay, but he didn’t know that for certain. Their family was being ravaged by something even he couldn’t figure a way out of.

The clubhouse was abuzz with guests sharing stories of their triumphs on the golf course. Quinn stayed toward the back of the room, filming with her crew, but as the crowd thinned out, she sent her team to lunch and asked them to meet back at her rented house around three. Though she was working, she was also a guest and wanted a few minutes to enjoy her friend’s wedding as a guest. Also she’d noticed Logan making his way toward her and she wasn’t sure she wanted her coworkers to see them chatting.

She’d hoped to be over him, but just the few moments she’d seen him today had proven that it would be difficult. That last night hadn’t closed anything for her but instead had reopened emotions she’d thought had long ago subsided.

She should have known better.

It had taken her too long to get over Logan.

“Done working for the day?” he asked as he stopped next to her.

“For the moment. The crew is grabbing lunch,” she said. “How’d you do?”