Page 42 of The Wedding Dare

“Yeah,” he said. What was one more lie from a Bisset? Apparently, that was something they were all very good at.

“Want me to stay the night?” she asked.

“If you want to,” he said, trying not to seem vulnerable and ask her to stay. But he knew that he was vulnerable anyway.

Vulnerable to Quinn, who had always been able to see past all of his barriers to the heart of the man who always needed a win. The heart of a man who wanted her for himself and also wanted to beat her at the game they were always playing.

“I do.”


Waking up in Logan’s arms was something she could get used to. It fit with where she was in her life to have a man, and Logan wasn’t just any guy. He was the man she measured other men by, she realized.

He was the yard stick she’d always used. Most men didn’t measure up. They weren’t as driven, as fun, as sexy, as smart, as able to poke fun at themselves. And she’d never realized she’d been doing that until she was here with him and there was no comparison with other guys.

There was just Logan.

There always had been, which made her feel scared and shaky. He wasn’t a sure thing; he never had been. She’d taken a risk and she had to hope that he’d taken the same one. Last night, he’d needed her and she’d allowed herself to believe that it was the step toward building something together. And watching him sleep, seeing his face relaxed instead of tense, feeling his arms holding her to him, cuddling her to his side, it was easy to believe that this was the first morning of the rest of their lives.

If she allowed herself to forget that it was Logan Bisset, she could relax and just go with it.

But when had Logan ever done anything the easy way? He’d broken her heart once and she didn’t want to believe she was the same woman who would fall for him again. But she knew she had. She could dress up however she wanted, say it was hot sex, or he needed her, and she liked that, but she knew deep down in her soul that she loved him.

Maybe...she always had.

She carefully rolled out of the bed and walked as quietly as she could to the bathroom, picking up her phone as she went. It was Saturday. Adler’s wedding day.

She had a lot of work to do, and losing herself in her job was going to be a much-needed distraction. But another part of her, the part that she liked to bury deep inside—the romantic part—wanted Logan to wake up and beg her to stay.

She shook her head as she washed her face with cold water. She needed to snap out of this. She had to get her head in the right place. A woman who wasn’t on her A game couldn’t compete with Logan. He liked the competition and as much as he loved to win, she knew he also loved the challenge.

And Quinn knew that Logan was never going to stop the game. Never going to take a break and let someone get the better of him. Even her. Even if he did care for her. She didn’t need to get the better of him, she just wanted him.Damn.

She knew he cared for her. That was part of this. Part of why she’d fallen again. She could feel the emotions he had for her. Saw it in the way he’d wanted her to stay last night but had been reluctant to say it out loud. She gave him so many chances, but she had to, for herself. If she ever walked away, she’d always have some doubt that she’d left too soon.

This wasn’t like college when they’d been young and still figuring out who they were going to be. They were in their thirties now and she was pretty damn sure of who she was. Still a hot mess on some days but killing it on others.

She reached for Logan’s toothbrush and dug around in his overnight bag until she found his toothpaste. As she brushed her teeth, she tried to give herself a firm look in the mirror. It was hard to be serious when she was brushing her teeth. But she needed to be. If she ever needed to listen to that inner voice in her head, it was now.

This was Logan.

He hadn’t magically changed into a domesticated man, he was still the driven alpha male he’d always been. He was wounded right now, which made him vulnerable and dangerous. It could go her way but, just as easily, she could end up hurt by him.

The way his mother had been last night.

Logan didn’t pull punches and Quinn didn’t want to be beat up by him. Not physically. He’d never lay a hand on her in anger, but he could rip her heart out if she let him.

How could she protect herself when her body and soul wanted him for her own? When she wanted to just open her arms and say that she was his.

Her phone pinged and she saw it was Adler. She was heading to the room they’d rented for the bridal party to get ready. The hair and makeup artists should be arriving soon.

Quinn typed out a response.

Hey. I’m at the hotel, need to run back to my place before I meet you. My assistant and the film crew will be there. You okay?

Nervous AF. Nick and I had it out last night. I think we are okay. Not sure.

What happened?