When he turns around and looks me dead in the eyes, I nearly faint. No. This can’t be his son. Holy fuck.
“I’d like you to meet my wife, Bentley. Bentley, this is my son Gabe.”
Gabe’s lips turn into a sultry smirk as he studies me, and the gleam in his eyes tells me he recognizes me too, but can’t quite figure out from where.
I haven’t seen or heard from Gabe after our sweaty tumble in the back of his Jeep seven years ago. Now I know why.
“It’s a pleasure to finally meet you, Gabe,” I lie through my teeth. I’ve met him before, al right, and it was the sexiest night of my life.
I cried to an old friend when he never called. A drunken one-night-stand will do that to a person, though. He rocked my world and then disappeared from it. I was young and dumb, but I don’t regret my night with him. Not one tiny bit.
He takes my outstretched hand to shake, but holds it longer than expected.
“Have we met before?” Gabe asks while he continues to hold my hand.
I shift uncomfortably in my spot, trying to play it cool with Marcus standing right next to me.
“I don’t believe he have,” I lie again.
“Oh, Cindy is here. I’ll just be a moment, darling.” Marcus kisses the top of my head before he steps away from us.
Gabe still has my hand in his as he studies me. “I’m sure we’ve met before,” he adds.
I shake my head, giggling like a nervous school girl as I look around. “I’m sure you’ve mistaken me for someone else.”
He finally lets go of my hand, but he won’t stop staring at me. Why the hell is he staring?! His piercing blue eyes cause a shiver to run down my spine, much like it did the night I first met him seven years ago.
“Hmm, I’m pretty sure I’ve seen you before, but I can’t put my finger on it.” He grabs a drink from the tray of a waitress passing by when he winks at me. “Have a nice night, killer.” And then he disappears into the crowd of people.
I let out a breath and try not to make a scene in front of everyone. My husband’s son just so happens to be the guy I haven’t been able to stop thinking about for the last seven years.Even on my wedding night I thought about him. Not it seems so fucked up. I’m totally screwed.
Chapter two
Watching Gabe from afar as I sip on my wine makes my insides twist. He’s flirting and laughing with a woman my age I’ve never seen at one of our events before. Is she the daughter of someone here? Is she an old friend of Gabe’s?
“There you are,” Marcus says as I whip my head in his direction.
My nerves have gotten the best of me, and I completely forgot I was married to another man for just a moment.
I smile at him, pulling my attention away from Gabe. “I’m sorry, love, you know how these events make me feel.”
After marrying Marcus, I became a different person. I was expected to be this perfect woman who listened to her husband’s every word, and I didn’t do anything but be a housewife. My daysof partying at bars and fucking strangers in the back of a Jeep are long gone. Seeing Gabe tonight only brings those memories back and leaves a sour taste in my mouth.
“We’re about to have dinner. Are you going to join us? Or do you need a moment alone?”
I shake my head. “I’m fine.” Eating something will hopefully make this queasy feeling in my stomach go away.
We all move to the dining room that seats fifty people. Marcus is obviously at the head of the table as I take my usual spot to his left. I’m instantly nervous thinking Gabe will sit next to me, making my shift in my seat. Maybe I can’t do dinner.
The guests finally pile in when the vacant spot straight across from me is taken by Gabe. The woman he had been flirting with is with him, taking the seat to his right. I can’t stop gawking at them as they continue to laugh and be all cute with each other. Memories from the night I met Gabe seven years ago come to my mind, and I don’t remember him being like that with me. He was this confident, domineering man with a smirk that made my panties soaked. He was with some buddies that night, and ended up being the one to approach me. There was some heavy flirting that went down, but it was nothing like this cute show of affection I’m currently witnessing. No, Gabe made it very evident he wanted me. After he grabbed my jaw and slammed his lips onto mine, I was a goner, and we ended up in his Jeep minutes later.
I shift uncomfortably in my seat again as those forbidden memories come back full force. An ache between my legs starts to throb as I bite my bottom lip and close my eyes. I can’t let Marcus or any of the other guests know what I’m thinking about.
“So, Gabe, what are your plans now that you’re a free man?” One of the guests asks him.
My eyes whip open as I stare over at him, waiting for his reply.