Page 6 of Explicit Demands

Chapter three

Need so much more

Assheclimbedthestairs to her bedroom, Kate tried not to think about all the times she’d caught Claire cozying up to older men. It had been persistent, pervasive, almost extreme. Every man that Kate brought into the house, Claire showed an interest in.

It always started innocently enough but, within a short space of time, Claire had always made her wants perfectly clear. Some men had run for the hills as soon as she tried to touch them inappropriately which, no doubt, only made her obsession worse.

But some men allowed her to continue, whether it was through desire or shock, and that wasn’t great either. The number of times Kate had screamed at her daughter—and her tutors—it was ludicrous. No matter what she did or how she tried to talk her daughter down, the behavior still continued.

Stop,Kate thought.Stop thinking about this. It’s not going to help.

It wasn’t going to help. Thinking about Claire’s weird fantasies about older men wasn’t going to help anything. It was only going to make her angrier. She just focused on her feet hitting against the carpeted stairs, thudding gently as she made her way to the top.

The large, open hallway was bright with sunlight. All of the doors were open, allowing light to stream out of every room, making the whole upstairs feel more open than it actually was.

On the left, over the entrance to the house, was Kate’s home gym. Next to it was her office. Wedged between the office and the guest bedroom was the guest bathroom. Then it was Kate’s bedroom, then Claire’s right in front of the stairs.

Kate went into her bedroom and closed the door behind her, no doubt dimming the light in the hallway a little. She didn’t care. Straight ahead of her, against the longest wall in the room, was her huge bed. It was way too much space for just one person, but that was the way she liked it. After all, wasn’t that one of the perks of being single—all that extra bed space?

Built into the wall to her right was a closet with mirrored sliding doors hiding the clothes. She looked at herself as she passed the mirror, heading straight for the bed.

It was clear that she’d been crying. Her face was blotchy and her eyes were red. It was nice of Claire not to say anything about it, really. Dark bags were hanging beneath her eyes, making her look ten years older than she actually was.

Kate stretched out on her bed and considered taking a nap. Her body was exhausted and aching, as was her mind. But she didn’t want to sleep. There was a part of her, deep inside, that felt wholly unsatisfied with the day.

Everything was coming down hard on her shoulders, making everything feel bleak and cold. She knew there was only one thing she could do to make sure she enjoyed a peaceful, dreamless sleep.

Kate rolled off the edge of her bed and crouched down, her hands extended out beneath the bed, searching for the familiar plastic surface. It was somewhere under there, she just had to find it.

When her fingers connected with the cold plastic, Kate’s hands clamped down and dragged the box out. She heaved as hard as she could, yanking until she fell back onto her ass.

The box was filled to the very brim. Kate let her hands drift over the lid, feeling the lumps and bumps where the plastic was stretched over the contents. The lid was lifting in some areas. She had too many things in there.

Her huge box was in desperate need of a clean-out, but Kate couldn’t bring herself to part with anything in there. Everything had its use, perfect for a certain time, mood, and place.

Kate let her hands fall down to the sides and lifted up the plastic locks. The lid instantly popped off, revealing a brightly colored mess of shapes and sizes in the box.

Her eyes bulged and her teeth sank into her bottom lip as she stared into the box. There were so many silicone cocks in front of her, so many that it was almost impossible for her to choose.

Kate put the lid down on the floor and began rummaging through the box. Just touching the dildos made blood rush down to the spot between her legs. She could feel her pussy tighten in her underwear, starting to pulse and engorge.

Most of them were anatomically correct, with nuts at the base and veins popping out of the sides, but not all of them had the same toughness. Some were rock hard, rigid, that wouldn’t give way if you mounted it on the bed. Others were softer, easier to twist from side to side to reach unexplored areas.

All of them were huge, though. Kate knew what she liked and it wasn’t a tiny cock. She liked her cocks huge, wide, and big enough to fill her insides completely. To her, there was no better sensation.

Today was no exception. She tossed aside her small dildos and vibrators, wanting to find something monster to fill her hole. She knew exactly the one, too… The perfect cock to fit her terrible mood.

Years ago, one of her girlfriends had persuaded her to go to a porn convention. At first, Kate had thought it was a skeezy, disgusting place. Only sluts and porn addicts went there, their cocks in hand ready to meet their favorite star. It hadn’t taken her long to warm up to the place, though.

People were so open with their sexuality. It was out there for the whole world to see. There was no shame, no hiding. Kate had felt a freedom she hadn’t ever felt before.

That was where she’d brought her first dildo. It had been a huge one, too huge for her back then, and she’d mostly bought it as a joke. A gag gift for herself to remind her that she could still have fun even though her husband had abandoned her.

For a couple of years, that dildo had stayed hidden in her bedroom, without so much as a stroke or a touch. Kate could see the error of her ways now, of course. When she was having a bad day, it was that cock she always went back to.

When she finally found it, buried at the bottom, she wrenched it out of the box and held it up in front of her. It was a dark purple, a royal color, huge and covered in veins. The head was massive, wobbling as she held it up in her weak arms.

As she stared at the cock she’d come to love, she couldn’t help but remember how awful she’d been at the convention. How shy, how giggly, how pathetic. Kate knew that she’d evolved into the perfect specimen now. She was wild, fierce, and completely unmatched. This was her true form, how she always wanted to be.