I’ve been pacing my apartment while the storm rages outside. When I went by Éclair Wishes, it was slow and there was no sign of Raegan. I’ve been out of sorts the last week since she’s been avoiding me.

I knew how much I wanted and needed her from the moment I met her, but not catching more of a glimpse of her since I asked her out has made me all twisted up inside. I wanted to tear into the kitchen every time I stopped in to force her to talk to me, but I held back. I was afraid of pushing her away even more.

The looks of pity from Justice and Isabella were like knives straight to the heart every time I came in.

I’m frustrated. How can I make it right if she won’t even talk to me? I have no idea if she regrets turning me down and I can’t try again if she continues to avoid me.

I’m mid-lap around my place when the lights flicker before I’m plunged into darkness. My heart starts to pound in my chest, not because I’m afraid of the dark, but because my first thought is about whether Raegan is safe. Where is she? Does she need me? Is she afraid?

“Fuck,” I bark out.

I prepared for this after Mr. Nicolo’s warning last week. He was right, it’s much bigger than the one last week.

I grab a lantern that I put new batteries in yesterday and stomp down the stairs to check on Mr. Nicolo. It only takes him a moment before the door swings open to reveal the older man in red and white striped thermal pajamas. When I look down, Rudolf is wearing a matching sweater. Okay, then.

Mr. Nicolo holds up the lantern in his hand and narrows his eyes at me in accusation. “What are you doing here? You need to go down to that bakery.”

My heart seizes in my chest. I thought about Raegan, but I figured she was long gone now. Her sisters said they were going to shut down early and go home. Why wouldn’t my Snowflake do the same?

I open my mouth to assure the man that Raegan is fine, but there’s something in his eyes which has me turning and running up the stairs instead. I move through my apartment, grabbing the emergency bag I packed just for an instance like this, along with a few thick blankets. I barely remember to pull my coat and hat on before I’m heading back out of my place and out into the night.

The snow is coming down so heavily that if I didn’t know the way to Éclair Wishes, I would get lost. The wind is blowing so hard it sounds like it’s howling as it comes down the street. Every block is practically a fucking wind tunnel when the buildings are tall on either side. I’m sure I look more like a damn snowman by the time I’m standing in front of the bakery.

I should have brought a scarf.

When I peer into the front window, I see a lone figure standing there in the dark, barely illuminated by the emergency lights. Her back is turned to the window and the need to get inside pulls me closer. I knock on the window which has the woman spinning around and letting out a scream of surprise.

Smooth. Real fucking smooth, Evan.

When she steps closer to the window, she blinks a few times before heading over to the door and cracking it open. The snow is coming down hard and I can barely see her even though she’s in front of me.

Her voice is small and unsure, “Evan?”

“Raegan,” I breathe her name and sigh in relief at seeing her. She opens the door a little bit more and I slide in and grin when she locks the door behind me. I plop my emergency bag on the floor and my voice comes out harsher than I intend, “What are you still doing here?”

My Snowflake narrows her eyes at me and crosses her arms across her chest. She might as well be tapping her foot, that’s how annoyed she looks right now. She’s also so damn adorable, I’m barely able to stop myself from pulling her to me and kissing her until she forgets why she said no to going out with me in the first place.

“This is my bakery. What do you mean what am I still doing here?”

I pull my hat off and lay it over the top of one of the chairs since the snowflakes are melting and it’s soaked through. I shrug out of my coat and drape it over another chair to dry as well. I look her over just to make sure she really is right in front of me and okay. I try not to stare at her figure, especially her hips which I desperately want to hold as I take her from behind.

Not the time for that. Later. Maybe. Hopefully.

“I’m sorry,” I run a hand through my hair. “I just know your sisters were going to close early. Why didn’t you leave with them?” I look out the window and muse, “This storm is supposed to be really bad. I barely made it here.”

Her face falls and this time I don’t stop myself. I close the distance between us and pull her against my chest. She fits against me perfectly. I bury my nose in her hair and relish the feeling of her in my arms. I’m only a little bit surprised she doesn’t try and fight me.

“I know. They told me it was going to get bad. I didn’t mean to stay so long,” she admits softly against my chest. She pulls back abruptly, as if just realizing I’m holding her. “What do you mean you barely made it here?”

I blow out a harsh breath. “I mean, it’s not safe out there.” I look back out into the whiteout conditions and see it’s gotten even worse. Hell, it wasn’t safe when I ventured out in the first place. “I don’t think we should leave.”

She scoffs. “You can’t be serious.”

I lock my eyes with hers. “I am. The power has been knocked out for blocks; I don’t even know how many. It wouldn’t surprise me to know it’s dark everywhere. We,” I swallow hard and try and force my body to not react to being so close to her, “need to stay here.”