My eyes snap to hers and I realize I’ve said those words out loud. “Fuck,” I mumble before I straighten up and clear my throat. “I didn’t mean it like that. I just meant I want to make her mine.” Her eyes widen and I can’t help but smirk at her. “I love the éclairs, don’t get me wrong, but they’re not the reason I keep coming back.”

“Raegan is,” she doesn’t make it sound like a question, but I nod anyway. A smile slowly grows on her face. “Good.” She gives a decisive nod. “She deserves someone in her corner.”

I can’t help but smirk. I want more than to simply be in her corner, but it’s a start and I’ll take it. I’ll take whatever she wants to give me. I’ve been waiting for the right time to ask her out, but, apparently, I’m off my game.

As if reading my thoughts, Justice’s voice is wary, “Why did you wait so long to ask her out?”

I look over to the door Raegan disappeared behind. “It was clear she was focused on the shop. You can feel her determination to make it a success.” Justice’s eyebrows furrow together, and I shrug. “It’s in the way she carries herself and she gets this smile on her face when she’s out here helping people. It’s small, but it’s also full of pride. I knew she’d say no to me if I asked too early.”

Justice looks at me as if seeing me for the first time. “Perceptive.” She gives a nod. She winces slightly and I brace myself. “Next time you ask her out, don’t make it sound so much like a pity date.” She glances over to where Isabella is trying to put up some decorations before adding, “And maybe wait until after Christmas.”

“You don’t think it could turn the season around for her? Give her something happy to associate the holiday with instead of all the things she hates about it?”

Justice makes a humming sound as if she’s thinking about it. “Maybe,” she muses. “It’s hard to tell with Raegan. She wasn’t like this when we were growing up. Maybe she does need a little magic to get her back to the love she used to have for it. It’s possible she’s simply lost sight of the wonderful things which can happen during Christmas.” Her dark eyes scrutinize me. “You could change that.”

I hold up my hands in surrender. “I don’t want to change her entirely. She has valid feelings about Christmas, I'm not going to tell her she's wrong to feel the way she feels.” A new appreciation fills Justice’s eyes with my words. “Just,” I pause trying to put my thoughts and feelings into words, “maybe she can find a little bit of joy in it too.”

“Good luck, Evan.” Justice’s voice becomes light and bright as if I’ve taken some of the burden off her shoulders.

Maybe I have. It’s clear the three sisters care about each other very much. It wouldn’t surprise me to know Raegan’s Grinch routine weighs heavily on them both.

“You’re going to need it,” she continues and it’s like getting hit with a snowball in the center of my forehead. One of those which are packed really well and make you see partridges flying around your head. “She’s stubborn.”

I grin which causes Justice to give me an odd look. Like I’ve lost all the ornaments on my tree. Maybe I have.

I give a little wave and one more longing look at the door to the kitchen. “I’m not giving up, Justice. She’s meant to be mine; I know it. I won’t push her today, but I’ll be back.”

She gives a little wave and then I’m striding out of Éclair Wishes with determination. It’s started to flurry outside, and I tighten my coat around me as I trudge the few blocks to my building. A storm is supposed to be rolling through and I can’t help but worry about whether Raegan is prepared for it. It shouldn’t be too bad, but I’m still going to worry about my woman.

Does she know about it? Where does she live? Does she have candles and an emergency radio? Enough blankets? A place to go if there’s a problem?

All my fears and worries around her well up inside of me and I have to push them down. There’s not much I can do about it right now. I need to hope she’s prepared considering she couldn’t call me, even if she wanted to, since she doesn’t have my number.

I wish I hadn’t spooked her. I wish she would have given me a chance, but I won’t be giving up.

She’s my Snowflake. She’s so damn unique; I’ve never met a woman like her. She has this determination to her that turns me on, but there’s also a softness that pulls me in.

Fuck, I want her so damn much, I swear I can almost taste her on my tongue. I just know she’ll be as sweet as the treats she bakes.

I wonder if she’d let me smear custard on her and lick it off.

When I get to my building, I’m almost toppled over when the door swings open and a man who looks suspiciously like Santa Clause comes out. He jolts a little when he sees me, but it quickly changes to a big grin.

“Evan,” his voice is jovial and full. Sometimes when I talk to him, there’s a ‘ho ho ho’ just waiting to come out. “How are you, my boy?”

I grin at him and step around him to hold open the door to make sure he gets out safely, especially with his whippet, Rudolf, prancing around his feet. “I’m good, Mr. Nicolo.” When I look down at Rudolf again, I notice he’s wearing a Christmas sweater with his namesake on it and booties. I bite my lip so I don’t start laughing. “How are you doing? Did the super come by and fix the pipe you were complaining about?”

He chuckles, holding his rounded belly. “He did. How nice of you to remember, Evan.” He gives me a meaningful look, but I’m not sure if I should read too much into it. I try and be nice and considerate of others, but it’s not like I still believe in Santa. Not the way children do at least. “I think a little bit of holiday goodwill got to him because he was at my place in less than 24 hours this time.”

My eyebrows shoot up because our super is not known for moving quickly when there’s an issue. Quite the opposite in fact. Maybe there is a little bit of holiday magic to go around. If only Raegan would see it that way.

“Maybe he wanted to get off the naughty list,” I joke with him, but he doesn’t laugh right away even though his eyes sparkle with…something.

“Maybe,” he says cryptically.

I look up at the sky and then back at the older man and his dog. “It should be just some flurries for a little while until it really starts to come down. Be careful while you’re on your walk.”

Mr. Nicolo smirks at me. “Trying to have your name engraved in gold on the good list, I see,” he teases me.

I shrug my shoulders. “If I was on the good list, I’m pretty sure my woman wouldn’t have turned me down today when I asked her out.”

His gaze sharpens and he nods slowly. “Women don’t like to feel like they’re being asked out because of pity,” there’s a grave note in his voice as my jaw drops. How the fuck did he know that? He pats me on the shoulder. “Don’t worry, the storm next week is supposed to be worse than this one. Get prepared for a blackout.”

He turns and walks off with Rudolf prancing on the sidewalk next to him. I find myself staring at his back for a moment as my mind whirls. Was he talking about my comment about the snow and him being safe? Or does he know something I don’t?

Maybe I will have some Christmas magic on my side after all.