My Snowflake huffs, “Fine.” She glares at her sisters. “Just you wait. I’ll get you back.”

Justice chirps, not even a little bit concerned, “I have no doubt. Now go.”

Raegan grabs her coat and I take her hand as I lead her out of the bakery. She looks back at it for a moment and a smile of contentment crosses her face. The pride she feels is well earned and something I want to always foster in her.

I give her hand a squeeze and she looks at me. “You should be proud, you know.”

She gives me a cheeky grin, “I know.” She snuggles into me. “Now, where are we going?”

“Well, I figured I’d take my own personal Grinch to my favorite Christmas display.” She gives me a wary look and I shrug. “This season has magic, Raegan, and a lot of it has nothing to do with commercialism, just beauty and happy faces.”

She nods as I hail a taxi. We chat while we travel, and I soak up just being near her. She has a light inside of her which she doesn’t even realize shines so brightly that it’s blinding. When we get out on Fifth Avenue, we start walking.

Even though she might say she doesn’t like Christmas, Raegan’s eyes still light up when she gets a look at the window displays. I wrap my arm around her shoulders and tuck her into my side and walk her to the closest window. It displays a classic scene of Santa’s workshop, and the details are impressive as hell.

“When I was growing up, even when we didn’t have a lot, we’d come down here every year and check out the windows,” I tell her softly. “People put their all into them and it shows.”

She gnaws on her lip and looks at the shop behind the window. “Isn’t it just another way to sell stuff?”

Her big brown eyes look up at me and I can see her desire for me to refute her words. I kiss her softly because I can’t resist her. Why would I want to?

“Kind of,” I keep my voice light and shrug. “People can come down here and check out the window and then go in and shop, if they want, but it’s not required. When I was growing up, I don’t remember ever going in and spending money.”

She makes a humming sound and then looks at the window again. I can see the wheels turning in her head. “It is a beautiful window and I’m sure it took a lot of time to put together. I can appreciate that.”

It’s an olive branch, or maybe a sprig of mistletoe, but either way, I’ll take it. I kiss her temple and we start walking. We take in every window like it’s a new adventure. Because it is. It’s not just about what the window displays on the outside, but also about the feeling it evokes.

Some are full of hope and love, some are full of family and tradition, but no matter what the window displays there is joy within it. I watch the way Raegan takes in the people around her, especially the kids who are looking at the windows with big smiles and excitement.

There are a few where kids can interact by pressing buttons or pulling levers. Raegan laughs when the kids laugh, and it warms my heart. She might not be ready to give all the presents back to the kids of Whoville, but she’s considering it.

We keep walking even when we hit the last window and head into Central Park. She’s quiet, but I don’t think it’s a bad thing.

“They were beautiful,” she whispers.

I stop and step to the side of the path before taking her in my arms and holding her close. “They’re fresh every year and always gorgeous.”

“It’s a nice tradition you had with your family,” she admits as she props her chin on my chest and looks up at me.

“Some of my best memories growing up was of us doing this—just taking a walk and enjoying the atmosphere of the holidays. It was never about money.”

She sighs. “I know. I don’t believe it is for most people. I just don’t like the idea of corporations taking advantage of the spirit of the season.”

“I get it, Snowflake,” my voice is sincere. “But by you taking this stand, are they winning, just in a different way?”

She narrows her eyes at me, defensiveness in her tone, “What are you saying?”

“Don’t let what you want to fight against steal your joy, Raegan.”

She blinks at me a few times and I let out a surprised yelp, which is totally embarrassing, as she yanks me down to her level and kisses me. My hands grip her tighter, needing her as close to me as possible. Coats might be a requirement this time of year, but, man, I fucking hate them right now.

There’s too much fabric between us. I want her skin against mine.

When she pulls back from me, there’s a new twinkle in her eye and it makes my heart skip a beat. I swear I can see her heart grow three sizes.

“I never thought of it that way, Evan.” She sighs and burrows into my chest before whispering, “Thank you.”

“Anytime, Snowflake.” My hands rub up and down her back as I devise a plan to get us back to my place as soon as possible. “Anytime.”

“Take me home,” she murmurs. I grin when she calls my place home. It’s something so simple, but it hits me hard. “There are too many layers between us.”

I chuckle and take her hand to lead her back out of the park. I smirk at her while we’re walking. “I was thinking the same thing.”

The grin she shoots me is naughty and sexy. I can’t wait to spread her out on my bed and show her, again, what she means to me. I’ll be showing her for the rest of our lives, but this will always be the beginning.

Christmas wishes do come true.