There’s a spring in my step as I head to Éclair Wishes. Two days ago we woke up the morning after the blackout to find that the snow had stopped, and the power had been restored. Thankfully, even though it seemed like it, the blackout wasn’t widespread. I can’t help but think that someone was looking out for me to help bring me closer to my Snowflake.

Santa, maybe? No matter the reason, I’m glad I didn’t let the opportunity pass me by.

Raegan came back to my place, and we took a warm shower together. It felt so damn good to press her against the tiles and kiss her. To feel the way her arms wrapped around my neck and pulled me closer. To lift her and slide deep into her wet heat.

I’ve met her when she’s gotten off work the last few days so she could come back to my place. We’ve spent time cuddling on the couch and talking. I already felt like I knew Raegan, but getting to really know her, to hear her stories and to see the love she has in her eyes for her family, there is not a single doubt in my mind she’s the woman I’m going to spend the rest of my life with.

She’s everything. She dreams big, no matter the season, she’s kind and tenacious. She makes my heart race at the thought of getting to see her or talk to her. Holding her might as well be a wish from a shooting star come true.

I wish I could hold these moments in a snow globe so I could pull them out and experience them again. But then I know I’d miss out on more moments with her so I soak it all up and then replay them all in my dreams.

Holding her in my arms is better than waking up on Christmas morning to a pile of presents. She fits perfectly against my body, and I never want to let her leave my bed once we snuggle into it.

I love her. I know it, but I’m waiting to tell her.

The moment I open the door of the bakery, I hear Justice teasing my Snowflake. “Come on,” Justice whines, “you have to spill. You’ve been spending the night with him. Is it serious? You said he showed up during the blackout. Is it love? Tell me,” she holds out the last words in a way I’m sure only little sisters can do.

Raegan huffs, “Justice, you have got to stop bugging me about this.”

“But you didn’t even complain when I put up more lights,” there’s a hint of awe in Justice’s voice. “It must be because of him. Are you softening to Christmas because of him?”

“Fine,” Raegan’s voice is full of resignation. “Yes, okay. Yes, to all of it. Whatever you want to ask, the answer is yes.” Raegan’s back is facing me as she leans against the counter as Justice looks over her sister’s shoulder and spots me. How she keeps a straight face, I have no idea. “It’s serious. I think?”

I hate the note of uncertainty in her voice and I’m not able to put up with it. “It is serious,” my voice is full of determination.

Raegan whirls around and her mouth drops open as she stares at me with wide eyes before she turns and glares at her sister. She hisses, “Did you know he was there?”

Justice holds her hands up in surrender, as if that would save her from the wrath in her sister’s eyes. “I swear he just walked in, and I didn’t see him at first. I wouldn’t have asked if I had noticed.”

Raegan makes a noise of disbelief in the back of her throat which has Justice gulping audibly. I chuckle under my breath, and it catches my Snowflake’s attention. She looks at me again, her eyes wary and guarded. That won’t do.

I look deep into her gorgeous brown eyes. “I heard enough, Snowflake. I’m not going to lie about it. I’m glad that when it comes to me the answer is yes.” I reach over the counter and cup her cheeks before kissing her lips softly. “Come on, I’m kidnapping you.”

Raegan sasses me, “I don’t think it’s kidnapping if you tell me about it before you do it.”

I shrug one shoulder and arch an eyebrow. “I’m going to steal you away. Is that better?”

Raegan worries her bottom lip between her teeth before looking at her sister. I can see the uncertainty written all over her face. She’s torn between me and the business. I don’t ever want her to feel like she has to choose. That’s not what this is about.

Justice huffs and grabs the sleeve of Raegan’s sweater. “Go,” she holds the word out in a prodding manner. “I can cover the shop with Bella. It’s been slow, and we have plenty of éclairs to sell. I got this. Don’t worry.”

Bella comes out of her office and flashes me a smile even though there’s something in her body language which tells me she’s frustrated and annoyed. There’s a forced brightness to her voice, "What’s going on?”

Raegan narrows her eyes at her eldest sister. “We should be asking you that. What’s wrong?”

Bella waves her hand dismissively. “Just Sterling.” She rolls her eyes. “You know how he is.”

Justice groans, “That man wants in your pants.”

Bella blushes and fidgets slightly. I clear my throat because it’s clear she doesn’t want to comment, which is interesting, but not my business. “I came to steal Raegan for the rest of the day.”

Isabella’s eyes light up and she nods eagerly. “Good.” Raegan opens her mouth as if she’s getting ready to protest, but her eldest sister isn’t having it. She tugs at my Snowflake’s arm. “Go. You deserve a day off. You work so much. We’re good here. Enjoy spending some time with your,” she glances at me, and I grin at her, “man.”

Raegan looks at me and I wink at her, not correcting her sister because I can’t. I am her man. I don’t even try to be contrite, “You heard your sisters, and I wasn’t really going to take no for an answer anyway.”