With every dip of my needle into the ink, my cock throbs against the fly of my jeans. I try and shut it down, but it’s impossible. I’m not used to having this kind of visceral reaction to a woman, at least not until I met Jessa. I’ve been able to keep it contained, but it’s almost impossible with her in my chair.

I’ve tattooed hundreds of women and not a single one has made me want to put down my rig, flip her over and fuck her until she’s screaming at me to stop. Not in the shop. Not anywhere.

It’s been a long fucking time since I’ve indulged with a woman and an even longer time since I’ve let the darkness inside of me take over. I know, without a doubt, Jessa would do a lot more than take my darkness. She’d relish in it, devour it whole and ask for more.

It’s a thought I wouldn’t let myself fully indulge until today. I’ve listened to my best friends talk about her and all the things they would do when we got our hands on her. I swear they were drooling the moment she walked in the door and was hired.

They’ve been watching her, waiting, and hoping for the last year. I’ve been doing the same, right there with them, I’ve just been quieter about it.

What would have been the point? It was clear Killian wanted there to be a thick line between the business and anything we do outside these walls. That meant Jessa was off limits, no matter how much we hated it, even if I did it silently.

Killian admitting he’s with one of his clients has blown the door stopping us from having Jessa right off its hinges. I know I’m not the only one who realizes it either. Brooks and Aiden have been eyeing her since Killian left.

The sick satisfaction filling me at knowing I was the one going to put my hands on her was difficult as fuck to hide. By the sly glances the guys had been sending my way, they saw right through me.

They’re the only ones who have been able to see deeper than my cold exterior in my entire life. Maybe it’s because we’ve lived together for years. It pissed me off before, but I’m not as bothered by it now.

Brooks’ voice is deep and gruff, “You doing okay, pet?”

Ah fuck.

Jessa bites her lip to stop her body from reacting. Considering I’m bent over her delicious tits and inking her, she can’t hide shit from me. Her body is telling me everything I need to know. She’s enjoying this.

It’s more than the people we get in here who aren’t bothered by the pain of getting a tattoo. I can practically smell her fucking arousal and it is not helping my throbbing dick problem at all.

I’m sure I’m not the only one. The scent of her sweet pussy is mixing with her blood as I tattoo her and I’m right on the edge of feral. When I glance at Aiden, who keeps his darkness tucked farther inside, and Brooks, who is licking his lips like he wants to taste her, I know I’m not the only one on edge.

I’m torn between wishing we had done this while we’re officially open to have the buffer of other clients and grateful as fuck no one else can see our woman like this. She’s ours, I know it. Hell, we’ve all known it, but we weren’t willing to step over the line Killian drew.

Since he’s obliterated it himself, all bets are off.

The only real question is if Jessa knows and if she has any idea what she would be getting into with the three of us.

There’s an innocence about her which makes every cell of my body beg to corrupt and tarnish it. She’d look so damn pretty while writhing in pain and pleasure. I can just imagine the glazed over look in her eyes as we mark her skin or as she bleeds for us and begs for more.

“I’m good,” her voice is shaky with the desire she’s trying to suppress. Maybe she doesn’t know her own darkness. “It’s not so bad.”

“I think you want it to be bad, to hurt,” Aiden fucking purrs and scoots his stool a little closer.

Jessa’s eyes go wide, and I have to really fucking focus on what I’m doing instead of what is going on around me. I’ll be damned if I fuck up the tattoo that she’s allowing me to put on her pretty skin. It’s a fucking honor, one I know the guys are jealous as fuck about.

“Wha-,” Jessa swallows hard, “what?”

I can hear the smirk in Brooks’ voice, “You heard him. We,” ah, so I see he’s including me in his shenanigans, but I’m not complaining, “think you want it to be so much worse.”

Brooks scoots closer and when I pick up my rig, he reaches over and peels the pasty off the nipple closest to him. Her nipple is pink and looks a little aggravated from the adhesive. Jessa’s eyes are wide and a little wild, as if she knows she’s been cornered.

“Don’t move,” I command roughly. Her eyes snap to mine, and she audibly gulps. I feel the edges of my lips twitch. “I would say you’re going to be a good girl and be still for me as I mark you, but we all know you’re not a good girl.”

“I’m not?”

Aiden’s hand slides up the inside of Jessa’s thigh while Brooks pinches her nipple causing her to gasp. My dick tries to punch through my jeans at the sound.

Aiden’s voice is deep and hypnotic, “No, you’re something even better.” Jessa’s eyes lock on Aiden’s as she holds her breath. I can see the wheels turning in her mind, trying to figure out if we know and understand who she is. We do. It’s instinct. It calls to us. “You’re a naughty slut who wants to writhe in pain because it brings you so much damn pleasure you can barely see straight.”