Jessa isn’t where she’s supposed to be tonight. She should be in our home, in our huge fucking bed, nestled between the three men who would do anything to make her dreams and fantasies come true. She was there last night, right where she belonged.

I shouldn’t have breathed easily. I shouldn’t have let down my guard.

Everything was going so well and it’s not like it’s all gone to shit, but the distance is too great. Even though she took Aiden’s darker needs in stride yesterday, this morning when we woke up, she had retreated inside of herself. I don’t take it personally and I want to give her the room to figure out where her head is at.

But I need our woman to be where I can keep her safe. I need her to be where I can see her and touch her. I need her to be where I can pounce on her without notice and without fucking asking.

With Killian out of the shop earlier this afternoon, Jessa was practically hopping from one foot to the other as she stood in front of us when she was ready to go. If I hadn’t felt so much dread, I would have thought it was adorable.

“I’m going to my place tonight.” I opened my mouth to cut her off and demand she wait until we could all go home, but Brooks shot me a look and I let the words die on my tongue. “I’ll see you all in the morning,” her voice was filled with fake chipper bullshit.

Then she was gone.

I barely got through the client I had left for the day, and I wasn’t alone in my feelings of agitation. When we were finally alone at Misfit Tattoos, I turned to Brooks, my eyes full of accusations.

His shoulders were slumped as he looked at me warily. “You know we had to let her go. If we force her, really force her, we’ll lose her.”

I huffed. “Or maybe she wants us to fight for her and show her we aren’t going to back down.”

Aiden sighed before he sided with Brooks. “Yesterday was a lot,” he sounded and looked sheepish as hell. “I couldn’t help myself. I pushed her too far and did it too fast.”

“No,” Brooks shook his head as he cut into Aiden’s little trip to self-destruction. “I don’t think this is about you. I think it’s about all of us. We’re asking her to make a big fucking leap with only our word that we’ll catch her on the other side.”

I hated to admit it, but he was right. Well, I was mostly sure he was right. The moment we got home with her sweet smell permeating every corner, I felt more and more like we made a mistake. Like we should have gone after her and demanded she speak to us and not push us away.

But Brooks did, also, have a point, as much as I hate to admit it.

Battling it out in my head was the reason I went to the primary bedroom, the one where we slept the night before with our woman in our arms. The bed still smelled like her. It still smelled like Aiden and sex too, but it was her scent I was face down on the bed for.

I laid in the bed long into the night, trying to figure out how I was going to sleep without her in my arms. I decided I had enough and climbed out of bed, grabbed a few things out of my closet and then set out across the city to go and get our girl.

Getting into her apartment wasn’t difficult, which makes my blood boil. She’s fucking lucky it was me, one of the men who loves her, looming over her like I am right now. It could be any scumbag.

Jessa is a beautiful woman all the time, but there’s something even more ethereal about her when she’s sleeping. I look down at her, laying like a starfish in the middle of the fucking bed. She’s only wearing a t-shirt and, by the looks of it, it’s one of mine.

I take the damp cloth out of the baggie I have it in and then press it to her mouth and nose. She takes a few deep breaths as I wait. Considering she’s already asleep, it’s a gray area as to how long it’ll take for her to succumb to the chloroform. I tuck the cloth away, and my cock is rock fucking hard at the offering in front of me.

It’s time to play.

I reach out and drag the hem of my shirt upward, exposing her body to me slowly. It’s a test of my will. I want to rip the shirt off and sink into her but taking my time will torture both of us and she’s not even aware of it.

It’s so fucking hot.

I tug my sweatpants down to my knees, my cock popping out because when you’re planning to kidnap the love of your life, but play before, commando is the only way to go. It’s a damn good thing no one got a look at me as I arrived at Jessa’s apartment or they would have gotten an eyeful of my dick print.

I lay down on the bed between Jessa’s legs and let my eyes travel up her body, taking in her gentle breathing and the way her hair fans out across her pillow. She should have been in our bed tonight, but she had to be stubborn. Did she really think none of us would come after her?

I chuckle softly as I trail my fingers up and down the inside of her thighs. She doesn’t even twitch which has me rocking my hips against her bed, needing some fucking friction for my aching cock. I spread her pussy lips with my thumbs, holding her open and blowing a hot breath across her clit, teasing her even though she can’t enjoy it, testing her for my own fucking sanity.

Or is it my insanity?

It doesn’t matter. I’m going to enjoy this.

She’s so fucking sexy and part of me wishes her gray eyes were open and looking down her body at me right now. I shake off the feeling because I don’t have a lot of time here. I need to be fast.