Having my fingers buried in her tight pussy has been blissful torture. I haven’t moved them since I filled her with them, but I needed a taste. I needed to know, for sure, if we were right about her. Her lips and mind can conjure up lies, but her body only screams the truth.
Jessa’s body is on board with all the depravity we want to rain down on it. Her body will beg for more. Her body will bend to our will and then keep bending.
It’s everything I hoped for and more when it comes to our woman.
We’ve been waiting for this moment and now that it’s here, it’s hard to believe it’s real. Now we can have her, we can fucking take her. It’s everything we’ve wanted for almost a year.
I knew the moment I saw her that she was meant to be mine, but it took us a few months to figure out the three of us wanted her and wanted to share her between us. Cameron is the quietest about it, but he feels it just as deeply, whether he admits it or not.
I fucking knew she was a pain slut. There’s something about the darkness in her, it peeks out at me from time to time. I don’t think she even realizes it.
I hope this isn’t something she’s explored with anyone else because I’m a selfish bastard like that. I want all her pleasure to be mine. Ours. I don’t want her giving her vulnerability to anyone other than us.
That is what this will take. Pure vulnerability. Raw trust.
We’re going to strip away every part of her, show her who she really is and then help to build her back up again. Into our toy. Our pet. Our love.
She’s already glorious, but my cock fucking throbs at how damn splendid it’ll be when we get her to that point.
I’ve never been happier to be right about something than I am to be right about her.
Looking at Brooks, he has a feral air about him, his hungry gaze taking in every movement as Cam tattoos our woman. I know he wishes he was the one with his hands and his rig on her, but I’m glad it’s Cam. The man is ice fucking cold and he’ll be able to keep his darkness in check to get this done.
Cam is showing more emotion today than he has in almost the entire time I’ve known the man. His muscles and jaw are clenched so tightly I’m almost concerned. I know it’s because he’s the one giving our little pet pleasure right now. I wish it was me, but I would have lost my cool and be buried balls deep inside of her right now.
Cam lifts her tit slightly and goes to fucking town with the shader. Jessa’s eyebrows come together, the wince on her face coincides with her pussy squeezing my fingers. I grunt and her eyes find mine, the gray of them dark and endless.
I could look into her eyes forever and never get tired of it.
“You’re doing good, pet,” I purr the words and her eyes widen as her pussy tightens again. “Fuck,” I groan, “I can’t wait to bend you over this table and take you from behind as I cradle your ass with my hips, and you swallow their cocks. First, it’ll be Cam’s. I’ll have you choking on it. Then you’ll beg for Brooks’ dick. Won’t you?”
“Aiden,” she pants, her eyes glassy as her pussy fucking weeps around my fingers.
I want to finger fuck her hard, until she’s begging me to stop, but I can’t. Not yet.
Cam wipes his work again and sits back a little on the stool, his blue eyes taking in every detail. He’s always been someone to scrutinize everything, but this is even more in depth than normal. I know it’s because it’s our woman who he just marked.
I let my eyes drift over the other tattoos on her body and I almost snarl. I hate that any other man has put his art on her. Fucking hate it.
My tone is light and joking, something I’ve cultivated throughout the years. “How many of these tattoos did a man put on you?”
Brooks slaps her breast, the sound of it reverberating around the room and making my cock fucking leak in my jeans. When I shoot him a look, it’s not in admonishment, not really. But he knows we’re already on edge and that shit will push us over.
Brooks’ voice is strained, as if he knows exactly why I asked her the question, “You heard him. Jessa,” he hisses her name, “you better answer him.”
She shakes her head slowly and when Cam puts his rig down and gives me a nod, I know he’s done. I start to pump my fingers in and out of her slowly. It takes all my willpower to stay in control.
“I don’t know,” the words are slightly slurred as they tumble from her. “I never paid that much attention to it.” She groans as Cameron cleans her up and covers her new ink, even as I don’t stop fucking her with my fingers. Her eyes are foggy as she looks up at Cam with a sweet smile on her face. Her voice is soft and sincere, “Thank you, Cameron.”
He smirks at her before he slams his lips against hers and kisses her hard. It’s all teeth and snarling passion. She doesn’t push him away, not that he would let her. She kisses him back with the same kind of ferocity.