Jessa’s lips part and my cock begs me to take her mouth roughly, fucking her face until she’s gagging and her eyeliner is dripping down her cheeks with her tears. I chuckle as I watch her reaction, her pupils dilating and her pretty gray eyes darkening.

Brooks coos, “But our little pet will also be our good girl because she’s going to give into us. Isn’t that right,” he twists her nipple, “Jessa?”

I reach down with my free hand and try and adjust my dick in my pants, but it’s futile. I’ve never been harder in my life, and I know there will be no relief until I can taste Jessa’s sweet skin and feel her submission, not just to us but to who she really is.

It’s clear to me, to all of us, she’s been fighting this for a long fucking time.

“No more fighting who you are,” I murmur before I give a nod to Brooks. He releases her nipple before ripping the other pasty off. I bite down on her nipple before releasing it, not giving her a moment to get herself together before I’m back to work. “I bet you’re so fucking wet right now, little pet,” I growl the words quietly, but I know she hears me by the way her hands tighten into fists as she tries to fight her body’s reaction to me.

Brooks speaks to Aiden as if Jessa isn’t laying on my tattoo chair and can hear every word. “You were right about her. About how much she needs us.”

“That means I get her tight pussy first,” there’s glee in his tone. “I’m going to pound her so hard she’s going to beg me to stop.”

Brooks chuckles. “I’m going to bruise her throat with my cock, but only after she thanks Cameron properly for the art he’s inking on her pretty skin right now.”

“I think you guys are taking things too far,” Jessa insists. “I’m right here and no one has asked me if this is what I want. Consent is key and it’s sexy.”

I lift my rig and look right into her eyes. By the way she shivers I know she sees the coldness there, the hardness. I snarl, “Fuck consent when it comes to you, Jessa.”

She gasps and her eyes widen as a whimper escapes her mouth. I bow my head over her as if worshiping her. She’ll understand soon enough that I am. I won’t heed her protests, but I’ll always make sure she’s safe and happy.

She has no idea the power she holds by giving herself over to us. We’ll teach her.

We’ve never dominated a woman together. We’ve never made one bleed together. We’ve never made one scream together in pain and pleasure. She’s going to be the first. The only.

She’s ours now.

Killian has no idea what he did with his admittance today about his girl, Edison. We had been waiting for the right time to pounce on Jessa. Hell, Aiden was even talking about sabotaging her job just so she’d either quit or be fired and we could have her. He might be the jokester of the group on the surface, but he’s devious.

It was a sick and twisted idea, but he was feeling desperate. We all were.

Because she calls to us like a siren. Her need to feel pain screams at us like a fucking alarm with red lights flashing. There was no way we were going to be able to put it off much longer.

I should get Killian a damn present because now we get to keep the best receptionist the shop has ever had, and we get our girl. Win-fucking-win.

It’s hard as hell to focus with the way Aiden is running his hands up and down Jessa’s thighs and Brooks is looking on hungrily. Jessa is holding so still and I’m not sure if it’s because she’s processing what is happening or if it’s because she is following my command.

Either way, she’s going to get one hell of a reward. I feel a smile on my face, which doesn’t happen often, at the thought of it.

Her nipples are so hard and begging for attention. I bet they would look even better clamped and pulsing. One day I’m going to do just that and it’s going to be soon.

When I pull back the next time and wipe away the excess ink, Jessa moans, a tortured sound I know she’s been holding in the entire session. I look up and meet eyes with Brooks and then Aiden, taking in the wicked smiles on their faces.

Brooks rubs both of our pet’s nipples with the palms of his hands as Aiden pops the button on her jeans. Jessa sighs and relaxes back against the tattoo chair, her eyes sliding closed, as if she’s resigned herself to her fate. It’s sexy as fuck.

When Jessa arches her back slightly, I tsk her and her eyes fly open. The fear in her eyes, mixed with wariness, is delicious. She should be worried about her punishment.

I smirk. “I’m going to give you a freebie on that one since I can tell you’re on edge, but it’s the only warning you get.”

Her lips thin into a hard line as if she’s stopping herself from responding. I narrow my eyes and stare at her, waiting. She knows what I want.

“I understand,” she bites out.

I want to laugh at the defiant streak in her, but I don’t.

Aiden unzips her jeans and pulls her pants and panties down her legs slowly. Jessa’s eyes snap to him and her lips part to protest. Aiden looks at her, his normal jovial expression hard, and she snaps her mouth closed.

“Don’t jostle her,” I warn him as I turn and get ready to finish up her tattoo.