What the fuck is going on? Every muscle in my body aches. Something is not right and there’s an odd taste in my mouth. I feel like I’ve been hit with a baseball bat all over, but that can’t be right. Can it?

I groan softly and try and shift on my bed, but even that doesn’t feel right. As I squeeze my eyes shut, I try and remember what the fuck happened. I was at work and then I went home, everything was normal. I think.

No, everything was normal. I had dinner and watched some mindless TV before I went to bed. Why is this bed softer than mine?

I stretch my limbs, trying to catalogue how my body feels. My pussy aches and it’s almost like…I shoot up in bed and my head pounds as my eyes widen and I take in the room around me. It is not my room. Where the fuck am I?

I look around seeing the familiar room, but it’s hard to concentrate and my mouth is so dry. I smack my lips a few times and lick them, trying to work up some saliva. I’d take even a little at this point.

When a bottle of water is thrust in front of me, I follow the tattooed hand to an arm, also covered in tattoos, familiar ones. It takes me a moment to garner up the strength and fortitude to look up and find Brooks sitting next to me. My mouth drops open and that’s when I realize that we aren’t the only ones in bed.

“Jessa,” there’s a warning in Brooks’ voice, “take the water and drink it.”

I snatch the water and do it. Not because he’s commanded me to, but because I’m so fucking thirsty I can barely see straight. That’s the only explanation for what I’m seeing. I’m pretty sure.

I couldn’t possibly be in their place? In their room? The same room where I let Aiden cut my skin yesterday. I frown, my eyebrows pulling together, as I shift again and it becomes very apparent that my pussy feels freshly fucked.

I look around to find Cameron sitting at the foot of the bed and Aiden sitting on the other side of me against the headboard. It doesn’t make any sense. I was very adamant about going home to my place when I left work. Yesterday? Today? What fucking time is it?

As I drink more water, I try and process what is happening. My brain feels sluggish even while a million different thoughts are flying through it. I feel…off.

Even with the water, my voice comes out as a croak, “What happened? Didn’t I go to sleep in my bed?”

“You did.” Aiden gives Cam a pointed look. “Someone went to your place and scooped you up.”

“You mean abducted me,” I deadpan, “again.”

Cameron doesn’t look the least bit sheepish. In fact, he looks proud of himself. I swear he’d be squawking and strutting around right now if he weren’t trying to keep it under wraps.

Cameron gives me a sly smile as he points out, “You didn’t exactly struggle.”

I narrow my eyes at him and then squirm again. Even though I feel out of sorts, there’s something unfurling in my belly in response to the way he’s acting. Something darker and it’s turning me on.

Fuck, I’m not even surprised anymore.

I sigh and sit up a little, leaning back against the headboard. There’s resignation in my voice, “What did you do?”

“What?” The innocence in Cameron’s voice is fake as hell. “What makes you think I did anything other than bring you back?”

“Because it would be a lot for me to simply sleep through.” Cameron bites his lip, but I see the way the corner of it twitches as if he’s fighting a smile. “And it feels like I’ve been fucked. I don’t remember being fucked.”

Aiden and Brooks suck in sharp breaths, but when I glance at them, there is awe on their faces instead of anger. Great. I’m dealing with three psychopaths. Perfect.

I hold my head up high and meet Cameron’s icy blue eyes, an aloof quality in my voice, “So, I’m going to ask again. What did you do?”

Cameron shrugs as if it’s no big deal. “I drugged you.” Before I can interject or lose my fucking mind, he adds, “Chloroform. It’s short acting.”

“That only answers one of my questions,” I prod before finishing the water and feeling only mildly better.

“I fucked you.” There is not a hint of apology in his voice, in fact, the pride is back and shining brightly. “I warned you, pet.”

Fuck consent when it comes to you, Jessa.

His words ring in my head, getting louder and louder until it feels like they’re banging against the sides of my skull while begging me to refute them. I can’t though. He did warn me.