Page 65 of Our Offseason

“No shit.” He bit his lip and looked at me like he was basically undressing me with his eyes. I loved that I was on the receiving end of that look.

I wagged my eyebrows at him and pranced out of the bathroom in front of him.


After we exited the bathroom, it seemed like all the girls were starting to head out so they could shower and change before going to Bullfrogs. Most of the guys were pretty loud about their desire to forgo showering so they could stay and party for a bit more together before meeting their girls at the bar.

I was kind of hoping Claire would choose to stay here with me. She was never one to care all too much about her hair and makeup, besides, she looked perfect with her messy lake hair and I loved her bikini top more than any other shirt she could possibly pick out.

But, as we tried to inconspicuously slip down to the dock, we got intercepted by Addie, who wanted to head back to their apartment to change.

Claire shot me an apologetic look, but I just grinned and nodded for her to follow her sister. We’d have our time later; I was sure of it.


Leaving all us hockey guys unattended– even Paige had left– probably wasn’t the best idea.

About five minutes after the girls left, TJ and a couple of the guys started heading over to Bullfrogs, but I passed on the ride, thinking I’d wander over with the rest of the group. Besides, I figured the girls would probably take at least a half hour, and I didn’t wanna get there way before Claire…

But by the time we started up our sixth round of flip cup, my stomach started turning over with regret. Now I worried whether or not we were even going to make it to Bullfrogs. Each time I asked if we were still going, everyone around the flimsy, alcohol-soaked table just agreed that we’d eventually go… but no one was putting any plans in motion, and I was itching to go. As much as I loved hanging with my buddies, especially because I hadn’t seen some of them in a while, I wanted to see Claire more.

I scanned the backyard trying to find Max and some of the older guys. They must’ve been planning to get back to their wives somehow, right?

They were all standing in the dark lake doing keg stands to finish up the rest of the beer they bought for the party…

I stood there scratching my sunburned neck, contemplating what to do. The lawn was pretty lumpy when I navigated it earlier, but now that the sun was down and it was quickly getting dark out, there was no way of even seeing my way around. I swallowed my reservations and started to make my way down the hill toward them.

It only took me about ten strides before I absolutely ate it. My body pitched too far forward, and I was too intoxicated to save myself. I rolled when I hit the ground to lessen the blow, and I was able to save my foot from hitting the ground at least.

I laid flat on the grass and looked up at the darkening sky. I really regretted not leaving earlier.

The sound of everyone chirping me for falling filled my dizzy head while I patted my sweatpants pockets to search for my phone, only to find that it was missing. Thinking it must’ve flown out of my pants as I fell, I very carefully– so as not to bump my cast– started crawling around on the grass to feel for it.

My search was halted seconds later when Grey and Max each grabbed one of my arms and roughly picked me up. They both smelled about five sheets to the wind… just like all of us guys at this point in the night.

“I was looking for my phone,” I muttered. I spoke slower to avoid slurring my speech– that would only increase the chirps thrown my way.

“Anyone see rookie’s phone?!” Max yelled out.

An uneasiness settled in my chest as I studied all the guys. Everyone was trashed… There was no way anyone here could drive to Bullfrogs. On top of that, I was now without a phone… I was stranded here with no way of contacting Claire to warn her that I wouldn’t be making it to Bullfrog’s after all…

Some of the guys started adding empty drink boxes to the bonfire, making the flames dance high into the night sky, and everyone was making their way over to it.

I scrubbed a frustrated hand over my face. There’s not much I could do…

So, I sat my ass on a chair around the fire and drank myself stupid with the rest of the guys, trying to have a fun time, but knowing all the while that I’d have to make it up to her tomorrow.

And in the back of my mind, I was absolutely fucking bummed…


I looked at the clock next to my bed. The bright red numbers read 2am.

2am and he still hadn’t called to apologize.

I kept my phone tucked close to my chest. A hopeful voice in my brain whispered,But he could still call… right?

But… even if he were to call and apologize, what possible excuse could he have for standing me up the way he did? For making me feel so completely stupid for getting all ready and sitting at the bar with an empty chair for him by my side for almost two hours?