Page 41 of Our Offseason

I forced myself to pay attention to Tyler. “How’d you get this scar?” I traced a finger over the indented line stemming out of the side of his top lip. “Hockey fight?”

“Errr, I kinda wish. Yeah, let's go with that.” He nodded.

“No, now you need to tell me,” I demanded.

“Eh… I’d rather not… Can’t give you any more ammo over me. The poopy pants story is enough.” His eyes quickly shifted beyond me. “Daniella’s really pushing her boobs at him… You gotta arch your back more into me, like this.” He pushed the middle of my back toward him.

“I wish I had boobs,” I sighed, looking down.

His eyebrows scrunched down in confusion as he studied my chest. “You do.”

I rolled my eyes. “No… like hers.”

He shrugged. “You got enough. Don’t feel bad. She bought ‘em.”

“Well, that’s okay. Do what you gotta do to feel good. Maybe I’ll get a boob job,” I pondered.

“Ha. that would get him riled up for sure,” he said with a smirk.

“What would?”

“Saying you’re going to get a boob job,” he said matter-of-factly.

It was my turn to look confused. “Really? Why?”

“Don’t look at me like that. You gotta look like you’re really into me if we want to sell this,” he ordered. “And believe me, it just will. Want to get him really pissed though?”

I traced his thick eyebrow and nodded.

His hands trailed down my back and stayed on my butt. “I’ll have to act like I think I’m gonna score with you,” he warned. “That okay?”

“Uh…” Did I want that? Why was I doing this with Tyler if I didn’t want Duke riled up? I just wanted Duke to know that I was as good as Daniella. I was a catch too. It wasn’t the most bizarre thing in the world for a guy to choose me in front of all his friends. “Does it make me a shitty person if I say yes?” I asked him.

“Not at all, Kessel. Here, wait a sec.” He effortlessly lifted my body off him and planted me back on the couch.

Tyler quickly went over to the bar for more drinks and chatted with some hockey guys standing around.

I watched as Tyler came back over to me and slid on the couch next to me.

“Now watch,” Tyler whispered in my ear. “Duke is going to make an excuse to those girls, then go and talk to the guys to see what I just told them.”

I looked over at Duke, who was now eyeing the guys by the bar. Just like clockwork, he said a few words to the girls, then we watched a grumpy looking Duke make his way back towards the bar to the guys that Tyler had just left. I felt like laughing haughtily in his stupidly cute face.

“Don’t look at him,” Tyler whispered.

I turned back to Tyler, who was very much in my personal space. “How do you know so much about this?” I asked him.

“I just know what I’d be thinking.” He took a sip of his drink and his adams apple bobbed up and down.

I stared up at his dark rimmed eyes. He had so many eyelashes that it practically looked like he wore faint eyeliner. He really was quite the looker. “Ya know, if it wasn't for him… You’re a good guy Tyler,” I said, patting his chest and feeling very appreciative toward him.

He moved my crossed legs onto his lap and laughed. “Thank you, but don’t worry about my feelings, I know soulmates when I see ‘em.”

I snorted. “Duke is not my soulmate,” I said automatically.

He arched an eyebrow at me. “Keep telling yourself that, hun. You and I both know it’s true.”

“Bleh, don’t call me.” Pet names gave me the ick.