Page 32 of Our Offseason

“No, you don’t. You’re done with practice,” I smiled smugly at her.

Her jaw clenched. “Ya know Duke, you make me want to punch you in the face when you look at me like that.”

“Wouldn't be the first time, babe.” I winked at her as I held the office door open for her.

That pushed her forward… but I think only so she could punch me in the gut as she passed me.

I buckled forward and shook my head as I watched her cute butt march across the lobby toward Benny’s.

By the time I crutched my way into Benny’s, she was already sitting in the very last booth drinking a cup of coffee.

I was happy she chose to sit at a booth because it gave us a bit more privacy than the bar. While I knew Paige, who’d surely be manning the bar, would give us helpful insight, I didn’t want Claire to hold back or measure her words… I wanted everything out in the open so we could move forward. We had the whole summer in front of us, and I wanted it to be a good one… like the kinds of summers we had as kids.

I carefully slid into the booth and Paige was there in a second, waiting to take my order.

“Wow, it’s like deja-vu seeing the two of you here again,” Paige said in her usual peppy voice.

I smirked. “Yeah, except now we’re old farts.”

She smiled. “True. Coffee for you?”

I nodded. “And I know it’s early, but can you get me an order of cheese sticks by any chance? Before Grey gets here if possible?”

Paige snickered at that. “You sure? He’ll be here pretty soon.”

“Fine. Eggs and toast, please,” I grumbled.

She nodded and patted my head. “Good boy.”

As soon as Paige left, Claire gave me a questioning look.

“My Coach called Grey and told him to make sure I was taking care of myself.”

“You don’t take care of yourself usually?” she asked skeptically.

I rolled my eyes. “Grew up on concession stand food and all of a sudden they decide it’s bad for me. Stupid.”

“You really are Peter Pan,” she smirked.


She eyed me as she sipped her coffee and gestured for me to begin.

But I was too nervous to go right into the apology. I cleared my throat. “Well, I hope this means you're done with Jackie boy.”

“Jacques,” she corrected, looking unimpressed.

“Whatever. He’s-”

“You’re changing the subject,” she said, staring directly into my eyes.

“Damn, okay, yeah.” I drew in a deep breath. “I’m sorry. I am very truly sorry for the way I left, Claire. If I could knock some sense into my dopey teenage self, I would. Believe me.”

She held her mouth in a firm line for what felt like a whole minute.


“Okay?” I felt my eyebrows knit together. That was all it took?