Page 23 of Our Offseason

And he actually tried to argue, “But she-”

“Out!” Darla called out in a shrill voice.

I shot him a glare as I ripped up my mat and angrily rolled it up. I should’ve known better. This was what always happened. It was fun going back and forth with him until it wasn’t.

I stormed into the hallway, pissed off at him. I’d never once been kicked out of class, and of course it happened after one measly day with him here.

I heard him crutching behind me, trying to keep up with me. “At least I won,” he said smugly.

I whirled on him and pointed an accusing finger at his chest. “Oh no, you did not!” I countered.

He tipped his chin back and his adam’s apple bulged out as he let out a bark of laughter. “Give it up, Kessel, I lasted longer than you.”

I clenched my jaw and crossed my arms over my chest. “No. You suck at yoga, I’m better. I can last longer.”

His eyes flashed with mischief. “Woah, woah, woah, maybe only at one thing, and that’s biology’s fault.”

“What are you talking about?” I snapped before I could fully process what he’s said.

“Oh, you know what I’m talking about,” he drawled, crutching closer to me, so close that we were almost touching in the small hallway. I breathed in the scent of him. Woodsy and straight up male. God. Why did he smell so good? “You can last longer than me at maybe one thing… And I want you to say it,” he whispered. His breath tingled my skin.

He must’ve suspected the blush on my face. He licked his lips and swallowed. Suddenly my mouth was incredibly dry.

“There are a lot of things,” I croaked out.

“Oh fuck off,” he chuckled. “You know what I’m talking about.”

I felt my face crack. “When did you become so chauvinistic, Duke Callahan! Women win at a lot of things.” I racked my brain to come up with anything other than what hewantedme to say. “We survive in colder temperatures better, we cook better, we’re better at school,andwe last longer.” Shit. “In life!” I quickly added. “Men almost always die first.”

He snorted and lifted an eyebrow. “Your mind was in the gutter. Admit it. You were thinking about sex. You still like me, Kessel.”

I angled my jaw out at him. He was infuriating. He was the one who got on this stupid topic. But he would never ever admit that. It wasn’t even worth it to sit here and argue. I shook my head and stormed off.

“Kessel, wait,” he said.

I whirled around and almost bumped right into his broad chest.

“Woah, there girl.” He placed his large hand on my waist, and I stared at it. My skin practically burned under his touch. It suddenly felt like all the air in the hallway was sucked out and the space was way too small for the two of us. I could practically feel his body heat.

“I.. You…” I sputtered. “You got me kicked out!”

“You gotmekicked out!” His eyes blazed, he loved this. He loved arguing. He loved seeing me mad. He cocked his head to the side. “Ya know, I really needed those stretches, Kessel.”

I harrumphed and turned to leave again, but he reached out and grabbed my wrist lightly. “Wait, can we talk a sec?”

I looked at our hands first, then back to his face. The lightness was gone from his eyes, and he looked serious this time. My insides were so confused. I was mad at him.MAD AT HIM, I internally yelled at myself.

But the truth was… I thought he looked good too. Really good. And my stupid body betrayed me by nodding and following him into the workout room.

He immediately found the chairs where the scouts usually sat. They were pushed up against the windows so that people could view down into the rink.

“Here, take a seat for a bit, you’ve been working all day,” he motioned to the chair next to him.

I crossed my arms over my chest and looked at him skeptically.

“I’m serious, c’mon. Let’s catch up for a minute,” he said with a tight chuckle.

I was still questioning myself for following him in here… but if I was being honest with myself, I reallydidwant to talk to him. While I didn’t trust him, I still respected him as an athlete– and as an old rival. And… I was still a sucker for his playful brown eyes. Deep down, I knew he could convince me to do anything, and I hated that about myself. But here I still was, being pushed forward by his words.