Page 78 of Our Offseason

I must’ve looked as panicked as I felt because she quickly added, “The way she was crunching forward and wouldn’t let anyone press on her stomach, I’d bet it’s an appendix issue. I’m not back there and I’m only a resident, but that’s my guess.”

I nodded. At least she gave me something to look up. It was some kind of answer.

“Good job bringing her in when you did,” she said firmly.

That made me want to break down. Because I didn’t do a good job. A good job would’ve been bringing her in last night.

“Is she… is she going to be okay?” I covered my mouth in case I fucking cried.

“They’re great surgeons,” she said. “A ruptured appendix is serious, but it’s more common than you’d think.”

I nodded. As soon as she walked away, I immediately pulled out my phone to look up just how common it was and everything I could possibly find on appendixes.


I sat there in the waiting room staring at my phone. It was four in the morning and my eyes burned, but I was wide awake and my whole body was still trembling.

God. I couldn't get over the pained noises she was making. I’d trade spots and take on all her pain in a second if I could… Because I felt so damn helpless right now.

I stared at my phone. Craig was probably sound asleep right now… I needed to wake him and tell him what was going on, but I didn’t want to give the poor guy a heart attack. Maybe I should call Addie instead?

It would help if I knew exactly what to tell them and not just that I rushed her to the hospital and wasn’t exactly sure what was wrong.

After researching appendix issues, it seemed pretty clear that the resident was right… but still…

I texted Craig first:Hey, I know it’s super late, but any chance you heard this or you’re still up?

I sat there another minute and was about to hit the call button, when a guy with scrubs walked in the waiting area and made eye contact with me. He ushered me over.

I stood and almost started to walk, but forgot at the last second that I probably shouldn’t… And I didn’t have any crutches here. I started to hop over to him, but he shook his head and decided to come take a seat next to me.

“Are you Craig Kessel?”

“No, but I’m–”

“I need to speak to a blood relative.”

My eyes must’ve fuckin lit up, because he backpedaled real quick.

“She’s in the operating room right now,” he said.

My eyes darted around the room, what was I supposed to fucking do with that information?

“Craig Kessel is listed as her emergency contact, so we will be getting in contact with him.”

“Can I… can I call him first?” I asked. Having the hospital call would freak him out even more. If I called, I could gently rip off the bandaid.

He gave a swift nod and stalked off.

I forced my dry mouth to swallow and finally called up Craig.

His groggy voice answered. “Duke? It’s four in the morning–”

“Yes, sir, I’m sorry for calling this early. It’s just… It’s just…” A vision of Claire in my arms crept into my mind and I stopped myself in case my voice cracked. I was on the fucking edge of bawling like a baby. “Claire, she, uh…”

“What? What happened?” He was fully awake now. “Duke, so help me God, you better tell me right–”

“I think it’s her appendix,” I said quickly. “I drove her to the ER. I’m here now in the waiting room. She’s in the operating room. They won’t tell me much else. Stupid hospital policy. Can you please call and find out, then call me right back?” I said it all in a rush. Now I coached myself to take deep breaths.