Page 43 of Defend the Dawn

I hold her toward the other man with the crossbow. “She can’t stop vomiting, sir. Can you help me carry her?”

He stumbles back a step, too.

“Oh no, Will,” she moans. A hand flops onto her stomach. “It’s going to come out the other end.”

If she somehow makesthathappen, I am absolutely dropping her.

But the first patrolman grabs the other’s arm and jerks him back another step. “Get her to the physician, then,” he snaps. “Be quick about it. You’re not supposed to be out after midnight.”

“Yes,” I say quickly, nodding like a fool. “Yes, sir. Thank you, sir.”

He glances at Violet and curls his lip when she groans again—but then he turns away, striding through the darkness.

I keep walking, sticking to the main path. Violet hangs limply in my arms and doesn’t make a sound aside from plaintive moans.

Eventually, they’re long out of sight and I’m out of breath from carrying her for so long. For as thin as she is, she’s certainly not tiny. The next time she lets out a sound, I say, “That’s quite enough. They’re gone.”

She all butspringsout of my arms and grins at me. “I was rather good, wasn’t I?”

“Good enough,” I allow. I shove my hand into my pouch to find the mask.

“I saved yourlife, Fox!”

I give her a look. “You endangered it by following me.”

She scowls. I ignore it and untie the knot in the red silk so I can put the mask back on.

As I do, though, I realize she’s studying me.

Maybe it’s not as dark as I thought.

I set my jaw and turn away, glaring into the woods. I’ve taken too many chances tonight. “Forget what you saw.”

“I don’twantto,” she says dreamily. “You’re more handsome than I imagined.”

That’s so unexpected that it startles a smile out of me. She’s barely more than a child, but I don’t want to hurt her feelings, so I say, “I’m honored, but my heart longs for another, Violet.”

“Truly?” She sighs. “Is it very serious?”

That actually makes me laugh. “Quite.” I tie the knot in place, then turn back. “Who’s Will?”

“My cousin.” She pauses. “What’syourname?”

“Fox is fine.” I glance down the path, then up at the sky. “What’s the rebel meeting they were talking about? Do you know?”

She shakes her head—then nods. “Mama says the Benefactors have a new leader. But it’s not one of the consuls.”

Interesting.“Do you know where the meeting is?”

“No—but most gatherings take place in the commons. Do you know it?”

I do, but I shake my head. “It’s not important. Will you be able to get home safely?”

She nods. I fish another handful of coins out of my pouch and hold them out to her. “Forbootsthis time.”

She inhales sharply, but I narrow my eyes, and she nods.

“Yes, Fox.” She sighs.