He holds up his badge for the entire room to see. “Ashford County Sheriff’s Department, Narcotics Division. We’re here to make an arrest,” he shouts before nodding my way. “And I get the privilege to do it.”

His eyes latch to mine, and for a split second, I’m convinced it’s me he’s going to shove into the back of a patrol car.

It’s happened before.

“Jed Silver,” he says, barreling past me and over to his old foe. “You’re coming with me.” He manhandles the guy, and both Sam and Meg are left flabbergasted in his wake.

“Noah, wait,” I call out, but it’s too late.

Noah takes him out of the room and out of the B&B as the rest of the deputies drain from the premises as well.

A few of us from the party follow them out into the night and watch as an entire infantry of patrol cars sail off the property.

Jed was the one pushing drugs?

I shake my head.

How could I have been so blind?

Maybe he was set up?

Maybe it was real.

“Oh no,” Cormack howls as she grips her belly and staggers over to the stoop where she takes a seat. “I’m in pain. I can’t be in pain. I don’t do pain.”

Both my mother and Carlotta head over to tend to her.

I’m about to do the same when a spray of pink and white stars sizzles from the woods to the left, the exact spot where I nearly lost my life just a few hours before.

My feet carry me in that direction without fear, without regard to what or who I might see.

A face begins to materialize, followed by a glowing frame, and I gasp so hard I think I just inhaled a family of mosquitos.

“Nell!” I cry as I throw my arms around my sweet grandmother.

She still looks very much like the sweet old lady I remember, a shock of white hair, her favorite lavender cardigan over a simple housedress, and a twinkle in her pretty blue eyes.

“What in the world are you doing here?” I ask.

“Oh, Lottie.” She cradles my cheek with her hand. “I’m coming back to help you.”

“To help me? With what?”

“I’m afraid you’re about to go through a very dark and difficult season.” She offers a sobering smile, and her eyes twinkle as they used to when she was assuring me everything would be just fine.

“What do you mean ‘a very dark and difficult season’?” I shake my head, refusing to believe it.

“All will be revealed soon,” she says, her voice and ghostly countenance already fading fast.

“Lottie,” Mom shouts for me. “Cormack is calling for you. An ambulance is on the way. She might be having the baby.”

“She wants an expert by her side, Lot Lot,” Carlotta shouts. “She says she’s willing to pay the big bucks if you’ll stick right by her side until she pumps out a fox.”

I shake my head.

“I’ll do it for free,” I call out.

“See that, Nell?” Carlotta shouts over at the woman who raised her. “I told you she had a walnut where her brain should be.”