He rocks back on his heels. “Let’s get inside and find Evie. Noah might want to hear this, too. I’ve got a timely surprise that I think will make everyone happy.”

“Another mystery to solve,” I tease. “You really do know my love language.”

We share a kiss right here under the moonlight with the scent of night jasmine perfuming the air.

A killer has been captured, and Everett has a surprise.

I can’t think of a better way to kick off summer, right here in Honey Hollow.


She did it again.

Not that I should be surprised.

Lottie Lemon is a powerhouse when it comes to tracking down killers. But that man could have killed her. And he would have killed if it wasn’t for the ghost following her out there—if it wasn’t for that gun I was wielding when Everett and I showed up on the scene.

Ivy offered to take Lou Norris down to Ashford and process him for me so I could stay and enjoy my wife’s baby shower.

I wasn’t about to correct her for the hundredth time.

After all, Cormack has the entire free world believing her lies. But all that ends in a few short weeks, and I couldn’t be happier.

In fact, Cormack can look forward to divorce papers from me as well.

I’m sure that will look cold to the rest of Honey Hollow, denying the baby is mine and serving her with divorce papers, but if I keep waiting for the perfect moment, the child will be graduating high school and calling me daddy. Not that I don’t already love my niece, if indeed Cormack is having a girl.

The child she’s carrying has been rather shy about revealing its gender whenever we go for an ultrasound. And yes, I’ve been to almost all of Cormack’s prenatal appointments. Unlike my brother, who like with everything else, has been more than happy to pawn the duty off on me.

The party at the B&B is still going strong as I step back inside. I dodge an entire acrobatics team and about a dozen debutants, all actively trying to lure me their way after indulging in one too many cocktails.

But I manage to make my way back into the conservatory in search of the woman I consider to be my true wife, my true love.

Lottie waves me over toward the dessert table where she stands with Everett, Evie, her sisters, my sister, Carlotta, Miranda, my father, and my mother.

“What’s going on?” I say as I come upon them and Lyla Nell dives from Miranda’s arms into mine. “Whoa.” I toss her up a few inches and she laughs like mad.

“Everett’s got an announcement,” Lottie rocks from side to side, giddy at the thought.

“All right.” I nod his way. “What’s up?”

Everett looks to Evie then Lottie. “A thought occurred to me as I was driving over here. After all that partying on Friday, I was too tired to get the mail on Saturday.”

Evie sucks in a quick breath.

“So I turned the car around,” Everett says. “And sure enough, the mailbox was full to the brim.” He pulls a large manila envelope from inside his suit jacket and Evie’s mouth falls open.

“Is that for me?” she asks, and he nods as he hands it to her.

“It’s from Ashford University,” she screeches over the music. “It’s the big envelope!”

“Oh, Evie.” Lottie claps her hands. “Go on and open it. The suspense is killing me.”

“Ebie, open,” Lyla Nell shouts, and everyone around us enjoys a good chuckle.

Evie tears into the envelope to reveal a maroon and gold notebook, Ashford University, school colors. She opens it up and screams at the top of her lungs.

“I’m in!” she howls.