Cormack cackles while sheathed in a silver foil dress that looks as if it should be covering the chaffing dishes on the buffet table—all of the chaffing dishes at once.

Come to think of it, with that burgeoning belly of hers, she sort of reminds me of the popcorn my sister and I would cook on the stove. The foil would expand to unimaginable heights, and soon enough the whole thing would explode.

Cormack is most definitely looking ready to explode.

And that dress looks more like a fashion faux pas rather than couture.

But then, what do I know about high fashion? Cormack is the resident expert, and if she says tinfoil is the new black, then I’m prone to believe her. Slow to follow in her tinfoil-loving, and rather swollen, footsteps but still prone to believe her.

It wouldn’t surprise me one bit if come tomorrow the women of Honey Hollow were all walking around dressed like chaffing dishes.

This room is brimming with faces, familiar and not.

I quickly scan the area for the exact face I’m looking for.

I don’t see him, but come up with a close second.

“Forest,” I pant as I hop between my brother-in-law and the lobster bisque he’s reaching for. Charlie really did go all out with the menu. “Do you know where Lou is? I was hoping to speak with him about something.”

“He’s out front having a smoke.”

I frown at the thought and Forest chuckles.

“I know, a smoking firefighter is frowned upon,” he says. “But we’ve got to have our vices, too. Lou has had a tough go of it these past few years.”

“I heard his wife is serving time.” A recent discovery on my behalf.

“It’s his sister, actually.” He takes a step away before pausing. “What did you need to talk to him about? Maybe I can help.”

His sister.

I’d do anything for my sisters.

Has Lou done anything for his?

“It was about guns,” I tell him.

Thankfully, that’s not a lie. I’d hate to fib to my brother-in-law.

“Ah.” He nods “Well, he is the resident expert on both guns and all things mechanical. The guy is known for coming up with the cleverest solutions. He’s been a great addition to the department.”

All things mechanical?

“You wouldn’t happen to know how many guns he has, would you?” I ask, my breathing growing increasingly shallow.

“I asked him once, he said he’s just got the one. But you wouldn’t believe the things he knows how to do with it. That guy can make that gun do whatever he wants. Give it a hair trigger, attach a laser, he can even switch out the barrels and turn it into a completely different animal.”

An animal that can shoot a 40-caliber projectile?

Lainey calls for him and he waves her way. “I’d better head over. Happy wife, happy life.”

“That’s a good mantra to live by,” I say as he takes off.

My heart does its best to thump its way out of my chest.

“Switch out the barrels?” I whisper as I pull out my phone.