“He’s wrong. Noah would have told me if there was even a hint of it. Believe me, we’re not even on their radar.”

“Good.” Jed shoots a hardened stare in Noah’s direction. “Keep it that way.”

“When do you think whoever is doing this will make their next delivery?” I ask in haste.

I’d hate for Noah to see me chumming up to Jed.

“Can’t say for sure, but the place is starting to run dry. Whoever it is, I must not suspect them because they’re moving in, making their distributions, and slipping out. It might be a friend, it might be someone I don’t know. Whoever it is, they’re as good as a ghost. The drugs are getting in right under my nose. But I promise you, I’m going to figure this out. Nobody pulls something like this past me. I’m the only pro at stuff like that around here.”

He takes off and is accosted by both Sam and Meg before he can make his way back into Rizzo’s.

As bad as it feels to team up with someone who has such a hatred for both Noah and Everett, it feels good to know that the days of whoever is running drugs through this place are numbered.

The coroner places a sheet over Bella Hall’s body and I shake my head at the sight.

There’s a killer running around out there who thinks they just got away with murder.

They would be wrong.

I know for a fact, their days are numbered, too.


A major drug bust is on the radar of the Ashford County Narcotics Department.

I shake my head as I step out of my cabin, the morning after a brutal homicide took place in Leeds.

Unfortunately, drug busts are turning out to be an everyday activity down at the station. But apparently, whatever they’ve got on their radar at the moment is big enough to warrant an interdepartmental email to all acting officers. We’re to stay on tactical alert as the case progresses.

That’s usually a sign the boys have everything nailed down before they storm in and clean up house. And even though I’m up to my eyeballs in a brand new homicide case, I’m not exempt from the big show.

“Come on, Toby,” I call my loyal golden retriever and he trots out of the house right after me.

The warm June air penetrates my suit, turning it into an instant sauna. The sky is colored a serious shade of blue that you only see in the summer here in Vermont.

I glance across the street and note that Lottie’s minivan is still firmly planted in her driveway.

“Let’s go say good morning to Lyla Nell,” I call out to Toby as he races over without me. “Hey, watch out for cars,” I say after him. Not that there’s any traffic on the cul-de-sac, but still, the principle remains the same.

I’m about to step off the porch when my foot catches on a package, and I sweep it up and tear it open to find a three-ring binder inside.

“Look-book for Noah’s Daughter,” I read the cover and frown.

Noah’s Daughter is the newest legal entanglement Cormack Featherby has chained me up with. Much to my ire, she’s plastered my name on all of the paperwork. And not only that, she’s gifted her company my moniker as well.

Noah’s Daughter.

More like Alex’s daughter. That is, if she’s having a girl at all.

Knowing the fact that Cormack almost always gets what she wants, I say the feminine odds are in her favor.

But I put all thoughts of Cormack and her blooming insanity out of my mind for now as I come upon the monolithic beast that Everett built for himself and Lottie.

The house tries its best to look unassuming, white with blue trim and double red doors. But the thing looks as if it’s eaten six tract houses for breakfast. And if the place takes after Everett’s voracious appetite for women, then it eats city blocks for dinner.

Not that Everett is chasing skirts anymore.

Believe me, I’d rather he were.