“You cannot use my name,” I’m quick to tell her.

“Or mine,” Everett says sternly.

“Or mine,” Noah is quick to put in his loose threat, too.

“Fine,” Carlotta growls. “I’ll just have to do a little renaming of my characters is all. Lolly Lime, Everest Buster, and Koa Pox.”

“I don’t like Pox either,” Noah pipes up.

And why do I feel as if we’ve had this conversation before? Come to think of it, I think I’ve had just about every conversation with Carlotta on a loop.

She waves him off. “It’s not like I have time to pursue my literary dreams. Now that I’m a successful restaurateur, it’s all about the green lasagna I get to line my savings account with.”

A river of words dams up in my throat, but before I can reiterate the fact we’ll be selling this place long before summer gets into full swing, a tiny little dachshund wobbles between us barking up a storm.

“Oh my word,” I say, bending over to get a better look at the dark brown cutie. Its underbelly glows like amber and so do its ghostly little eyes. “Carlotta, is this the cute little spook you were telling me about?”

“What little spook?” Everett asks, sounding more irritated than he does spooked.

Noah groans, “Please tell me you don’t see a ghost.”

“This place is crawling with them. You know that,” I tell him. “Besides, I’m sure he belongs to one of these long-dead mobsters and not some poor, unsuspecting victim.”

“That’s to be seen,” Noah says, looking around the place with a new set of eyes. “I’d better call for backup.”

“No need,” my brother-in-law, Forest Donavan, says as he lands his meaty hand over Noah’s shoulder. “You’ve got a handful of the best and the brightest from the fire department here tonight.” Forest sheds his signature pearly white smile. He’s tall with dark hair and has copious amounts of that boy-next-door charm that made my sister fall head over heels for him.

Standing next to him is my sweet sis, Lainey, who doesn’t hesitate to lunge over me with a firm embrace.

“I was hoping we’d run into you,” she says, pulling back with a smile. Lainey and I look so much alike, with the same caramel-blonde hair and same hazel eyes.

Growing up, I had a hard time believing I was the one who was adopted into the family. I would have bet good money it was Meg, but after meeting my biological mother and sister, Charlie (who by some sheer miracle we share both biological parents) well, it’s obvious whose bloodline I hail from.

Carlotta, Charlie, and I could pass as triplets.

And side note: we all share the same formal moniker, too—Carlotta. To make matters worse, in some hormone-induced stupor, I gifted the very same moniker to my sweet baby girl as well, and now there are four of us running around Honey Hollow.

Thankfully, Lyla Nell will always go by the nickname I’ve given her.

Lainey wrinkles her nose. “I was sort of hoping to go to Mangias tonight, but I was usurped. I’m really craving their anchovy pizza.” She pats her stomach before looking at the men standing with them. “A few of the guys from the department wanted to take the captain out for dinner, and one of the guys insisted on this place. Lucky for me, a few of the wives showed up, too.”

“I’ll get you guys seated right away,” I tell her. “And our anchovy pizza isn’t half bad, I promise.”

“Well, well—” Carlotta strides up to a lanky yet muscular man standing next to Forest. “Welcome to my lair. Give me your number, and I’ll give you the best slice of pizza you’ve ever had. My name is pizza.”

“Carlotta,” I hiss. She’s already used that smarmy line twice this week, and twice this week a group of men turned around and left. “Why don’t you do something useful, like getting some menus?”

“And miss all the fun?”

Lainey laughs. “Everyone, this is my sister, Lottie. She owns the place. And these are her husbands, Judge Baxter and Detective Fox.”

The crowd blooming beside her gives a general hello in response.

I really have to work on introductions with my mother and sister.

“Well, I happen to like pizza.” The handsome firefighter standing next to Forest laughs. “I’m Lou Norris.” He nods her way. “I’m already taken in the dating department, but I’m always on the lookout for a new friend.”

Carlotta scowls at the man. “I’m not friendly—ask any one of these people.”