She looks like a goddess in a sage green dress. And with those heels on, she’s almost two heads taller than me.

“I’m trying to decide whether to enroll Lyla Nell in a traditional preschool or Montessori,” I tell her.

“Montessori is for hippies,” she says without missing a beat. “Where’s Cormack?” She dances as she cranes her neck past my sisters. “She said if I pretended to gush over the baby clothes she’s trying to pawn off on her friends, there would be a cool grand in it for me.”

“A grand?” I gag at the thought.

“That’s right,” she says. “And she’s paying Cray Cray a cool grand to stay away from them. She’s afraid if Carlotta gushes over the pricey stitches, her friends won’t want anything to do with the clothes.”

“Smart move on her part,” I say.

So Cormack does have a brain cell after all.

Evie takes off for the miniature couture display taking up the entire left wall. And sure enough, there’s a large pink banner that reads Noah’s Daughter.

I frown right at it.

I’m the only one who has Noah’s daughter. And speaking of which…

“I can’t believe Evie thinks that Montessori is for hippies, too.”

Meg nods. “And Evie is the smartest person at Triple H. You should listen to her—and me by proxy.”

“I don’t know,” I say. “I happen to relate to hippies more than you might think.”

“Knew it!” Lainey cheers as she gives a loud whoop. “Score one for the Montessori mommies.”

“But I haven’t done any research,” I say. “Besides, Lyla Nell’s daddies will certainly want to have a say in it.”

Both Keelie and Lainey step in close to one another and start in a mile a minute about all things related to their little tikes in general—and disagree on just about every point along the way.

Meg scowls at someone near the coffee station. “Excuse me, girls. I’ve got a couple of eyeballs to pluck out.”

She takes off, and I follow her trajectory to find none other than Sam pawing all over Jed Silver.

I really need to have a serious talk with my sister.

There are so many other men to fight over on this planet. Must she pick Jed Silver?

And as much as I hate to say it, I don’t like the fact Sam is the woman she’s pitted against. I realize she’s Noah’s sister, his twin no less, and that I should love her to pieces, but just knowing she’s been with Everett—and in a quasi-serious relationship—makes it really hard for me to appreciate her.

Is it wrong that I’m sort of rooting for Meg in this dark love triangle?

Of course, once Jed pledges his undying love to her, I'll suggest that she run for the hills.

I make a face at the man.

All right, he’s growing on me a bit.

And I’m sure if either Noah or Everett gets wind of that, they’d check my forehead for a fever.

I take a look around at the ritzy décor. It’s clear Cormack has tropical fever.

A part of me wonders if she’ll get baby fever once her child is born.

Probably not.

As for me, I’ve got a bad case of killer fever.