“Happy graduation day,” I say as she lunges at me with a hug. “How are you doing?”

It’s mid-morning and already stifling hot out. A couple of large white tents are set out on the grounds, one for the graduates, one for those that came to witness the event. But with the overflow, not everyone will be lucky enough to enjoy a reprieve from that fireball in the sky.

“I’m a nervous wreck.” She laughs while wiping the tears from the corners of her eyes. “I can’t believe it’s all over and we’re about to go our separate ways forever.”

“I don’t know about that last part. Most will probably stick around Honey Hollow, and just going to the grocery store will be a high school reunion.”

“That’s right,” Lottie says as she crops up beside me holding our cute little munchkin.

“Daddy!” Lyla Nell claps as Lottie hands her to me. Our baby girl is all dolled up in a floral print dress with her hair in pigtails and her cute chubby feet in a pair of white sandals. “Ebie goin’ grabuate.”

“Is Evie going to grabuate?” I tease as I land a kiss to her forehead. “That’s right, she is, and she’s also the top student. Congrats once again on the honors, Evie. You ready to give the big speech?”

Her features harden and she looks just like Everett in female skin.

Everett makes a much better teenage girl in my opinion.

“I’m ready.” She sighs. “Dad helped me hone my words and we got it down to two minutes just like the principal requested. Short and sweet. They don’t want anyone passing out in the heat, and I don’t want to pass out either. Two minutes is about all I can handle.”

“Oh, Evie.” Lemon gives her a tight embrace. “We’re all so proud of you.”

“You’re going to do great,” I tell her as Lyla Nell plucks the sunglasses off my face and puts them on herself, albeit upside-down.

“Ebie,” Lyla Nell shrieks with a laugh.

“See there?” Lottie gives one of Lyla Nell’s pigtails a playful tug. “We’re all so excited. And everyone is here.” She points to the vast sea of people battling for a white folding chair to call their own. “Glam Glam is here, so are Wiley, Cray Cray, Aunt Keelie, Uncle Bear, little Bear, Aunt Lainey, Uncle Forest, baby Josie, Auntie Meg, Grandma Eliza—Aunt Meghan, Aunt Sam, Uncle Alex, and even Suze and Lily have shown up.”

Lily and my mother are here indeed. Granted they’re working the refreshment stand Lottie generously set up. She’s donating fresh lemonade, coffee, and a variety of cookies.

Lottie glances down and blinks back tears. I know for a fact she’s thinking about Charlie. She should be here today to see her niece graduate, but she’s staring down the barrel of a major drug felony charge and doesn’t want to make any waves.

It’s killing Lot. And I wish it wouldn’t.

“Oh, and the Nash side of the family showed up, too,” Lottie says with a start. “Aspen, Kelleth, and Finn are all here to see their favorite senior swing her tassel.”

“That’s great,” Evie says, craning her neck past Lottie. “What about Dad?”

“I’m here,” a deep voice strums as Everett jogs up on the scene wearing a dark suit that threatens to incinerate him within minutes of being exposed to that orb in the sky. “I had one case early this morning that couldn’t be rescheduled, and I’m all yours for the rest of the day.” He lands a kiss to Evie’s cheek. “Sorry I’m late.”

“You’re right on time,” Evie says, blinking back tears. “Now that everyone I love is here, I can’t wait to get this over with.”

“Well, I’m going to soak in every minute,” Lottie says, pressing a tissue to her eyes. “And afterward, I’ve invited everyone back to the house for lunch.”

“Mom.” Evie’s eyes do their best impersonation of dinner plates. “I said no party.”

“It’s not a party,” Everett insists. “It’s just lunch. I’m picking up a little something from the Wicked Wok.”

“And I’m the pizza delivery man,” I tell her.

I’ve already put in an order for a dozen pizzas.

It’s a party.

“And I’m picking up a sheet cake,” Lottie says with a nod. “You know I can’t let an important day like this slide by without cake.”

“Fine.” Evie rolls her eyes with all of the drama only a teenager can muster. “But I’m still heading out to Conner’s house tonight. He’s having a real blowout, and all of our friends are going.” Conner is her steady Eddie, not that either Everett or I am thrilled about it. “I’d better go. His mom wants to take pictures of us. She says she’s going to put them out at the wedding.” She sticks a finger down her throat and pretends to gag before taking off.

“Whose wedding?” Everett shouts after her just as the marching band begins to sound off in the distance.