Sam groans, “Did you have to say nachos?” She clutches at her stomach. “I’ve never been a fan of greasy chips covered with even greasier cheese. Excuse me.” She takes off in the direction of the restroom.

Meg grabs ahold of her stomach as well. “Why did she have to say the words greasy cheese for?” Her face turns a strange shade of green as she makes a beeline for the restroom herself.

“Oh my word.” I glance back at the table full of our friends and family. “I think there might be something wrong with the nachos. Both Sam and Meg looked sick to their stomachs.”

“It’s just the company they were keeping that made them sick, Lemon,” Everett says while casting a stone-cold look to Jed.

“And to think we used to be friends.” Jed grins once again. “Go on and belly up to the stage, Judge Baxter. It’s a good look for that upcoming promotion of yours I’ve heard about. You, too, Noah. Although, judging by the fact your wifey here beats you to the punch with just about every homicide case, I sincerely doubt anyone is looking to promote you to any position.”

“Cormack is looking to promote him,” Everett joins in on the fun. “Let’s get this night over with. As much as I hate to admit it, Jed is right. It’s not a good look for me.”

“Oh, Everett,” I pull him in close. “You should leave. Noah will make sure I’m safe.”

Jed chuckles at the thought. “I’m sure he’ll make sure she’s well attended to. Noah has a long history of taking care of your women for you, stud.” He pins his smile a little higher as he looks at Everett.

“That’s exactly why I’m staying.” Everett navigates me away from the bar and away from Jed Silver.


I turn back and mouth the words we need to talk and Jed gives a stern nod that makes me wonder if he has something significant to say.

But I suppose it’ll take a sheer miracle for Jed and me to discuss the ins and outs of the Vermont drug trade this evening.

That sentence alone should be enough to send me running for the nearest bathroom myself. I can’t believe I’ve tethered myself to Jed, of all people. But it’s for the greater good. We’ve had way too many overdoses, too many kids being led astray, and the Rizzo sisters themselves who were killed because of illegal substances.

This is one evil I’m willing to go the extra mile just to make sure the drugs and whoever is pushing them are wiped right off the map of Vermont.

A thought occurs to me, and I pull Everett to the side just shy of the table.

“How did the phone call go with the governor this morning?”

“Great.” He surveys the room with a scrutinizing eye. “He said to avoid places like this and keep my nose clean.”

I cringe at the thought. “Who needed his advice, anyway?”

We step over to the table, which my sister and Naomi have festooned with baby bottles, rattles, and bibs.

I foresee some ripe humiliation coming up by way of all three of those instruments and I refuse to take part in the melee.

A half a dozen girls on the stage twirl on the elongated glass poles filled with glitter as neon lights illuminate the stage, turning it into dramatic shades of pink, purple, green, and blue.

From the lights to the music, to the girls relentlessly stripping off their clothes, I find this entire place an exercise in exhaustion.

“Hear ye, hear ye.” Suze stands up and hoists a glass of water in the air. She’s dressed in a black beaded wrap with a long red dress underneath, and I can’t help but think she’s giving off lady-of-the-night vibes. Not at all inappropriate, considering the town we’re in. “I’d like to propose a toast for the mother-to-be—to Cormack Featherby Fox…”

I lift a brow in Noah’s direction.

Has Cormack taken his moniker?

He shakes his head at me as if to confirm the fact his mother is spreading half-truths, as she’s prone to do.

“To my favorite daughter-in-law,” Suze continues. “Who is about to give birth to my favorite grandchild.”

I take it back. On occasion, Suze is prone to telling the truth. I’d be insulted on behalf of Lyla Nell, but at this point, both Lyla Nell and I are used to Suze’s ornery ways.

“May you have an exceptionally easy delivery,” Suze drones on. “And I just know that little girl in your belly will be just as beautiful as her mother.”

“Hear, hear,” the crowd shouts as they imbibe various tonics and potions.