“It’s the ghost, isn’t it?” Noah growls.

“A little doxie.” I nod. “Carlotta, why don’t you try to snatch it up. I don’t see why I should put off my investigation any longer than necessary.”

“I’m on it, Lot,” Carlotta cries out as she dances a circle around the body herself.

“Carlotta, back away,” Noah shouts as he makes a dash for her. “You’re contaminating the crime scene.”

But before Noah can get to her, she’s darted off down the alley as she gives chase to that little perky poltergeist.

Charlie, Carlotta, and I happen to be something called transmundane, further classified as supersensual.

Apparently, there are many supernatural abilities that fall under the transmundane umbrella, which include things like mind reading, seeing into tomorrow, and even time travel.

But the supernatural gift, or curse as it were, that we were given has to do with seeing the dead. Unfortunately, my baby girl, Lyla Nell, shares the same abilities as well, along with the abilities her paternal grandmother happens to have.

It turns out, Suze Fox is transmundane as well. Suze happens to be something called a beguiler, meaning she can influence people—mostly those that are weak-willed—to do her bidding. Not only can she persuade people, but she can persuade the elements such as wind, fire, or even cause an earthquake or two.

I have no idea how I’m going to navigate all that with Lyla Nell, but for now, I’m just grateful she hasn’t burned Honey Hollow to the ground already.

Noah steps back. “I don’t see any evidence lying around.”

“The woman was shot,” Everett says. “The bullet should give you a part of the story.”

Noah stares him down a moment. “You really don’t think I can do my job, do you?”

“You really want me to answer that?” Everett shoots back.

Sirens sear the night air, and soon the alley is filled with the sheriff’s department, the fire department, two ambulances, and the coroner’s van all at once.

A leggy redhead strides over wearing a long white trench coat and a sour expression.

It’s Ivy Fairbanks, Noah’s partner down at the homicide department. She’s no fan of mine—mostly because of her insatiable crush on her co-worker, and I’m not exactly a fan of hers either for the exact same reason.

“I see you’ve left your calling card,” Ivy says, nodding to the slice of pineapple upside-down cake on the ground in lieu of a proper hello. “I suppose you found the body as well.”

Charlie growls as she steps in close to me, “I found the body, how about that, miss smarty pants?”

My eyes bulge at my sister for a moment. As much as I appreciate her sticking up for me—and bending the truth a bit—it’s really not necessary.

“Never mind,” Ivy says, tightening the belt around her waist. “I have an investigation to run. Stay out of my way, Lottie.” She takes off and Charlie chokes on a river of words.

“I can’t stand the way that woman treats you,” she huffs.

“You didn’t have to cover for me,” I tell her. “I can handle Ivy.”

“She’s right,” Everett tells her. “And when it comes to situations like these, the truth is our friend.”

Charlie looks past Everett. “Max,” she cries out as she runs into her boyfriend’s arms.

Max Cochrane is a homicide detective at the Ashford Sheriff’s Department as well, but he happens to specialize in cold cases. Max is tall with dark hair and is both handsome and friendly as can be. He’s a real catch compared to the unsavory men my sister is used to dating. I’m thrilled they’ve found one another.

Another brooding dark-haired fellow steps into the alley along with a blooming crowd.

Speaking of unsavory men.

Everett sighs. “Why in the heck does Jed Silver keep hanging around?”

“Oh, I don’t know.” I cringe because I very well do know; therefore, I just officially lied to my husband. “Apparently, this was his hangout even before Ninetta and Rosa bit the big one.” And that, thankfully, is the God’s honest truth.