He glances past her and his features darken. “You’re not the only unfriendly face around here.” He says it mostly under his breath but just enough for me to catch it.

Carlotta takes off to seat their party, but Lainey lags behind a moment.

“Lottie, Josie is just loving her day camp experience at that pre-K program I was telling you about.” She quickly pulls up a dozen pictures of her adorable little tyke with her hands full of paint. “I knew you should have enrolled Lyla Nell. They could have been in it together.”

“Lyla Nell is just one year old.” I shake my head at the thought of my little girl being sent off to school so soon.

My sister rolls her eyes. “So is Josie.”

“Josie will be two in a couple of months,” Noah points out. “Lyla Nell is almost a full year younger.”

“Please,” Lainey chuffs. “Before you know it, Lyla Nell will be graduating high school just like her big sis.”

Everett and I exchange a glance.

Neither of us can believe Evie is set to graduate so soon. She only came into our lives a few years back.

Everly Evie Baxter is Everett’s biological child that he had with a ditzy socialite who quickly wrote herself out of the picture. And since then, I’ve happily adopted Evie as my own.

“Which reminds me.” Lainey nods my way. “You should hop on the baby train with me.” She bites down on her lip with excitement as she dances a little jig. “Forest and I are trying again. You should try, too. They say a two-year age gap between siblings is ideal, and as it stands I’m already pushing for three. But you’re in perfect range.”

“She’s right,” Noah says. “After our date at Mangias, we can head to my place and have a little dessert.” He waggles his brows as he says it.

Lainey clucks her tongue, looking more than a little confused. “Lottie, are you living with him now?”

Noah shakes his head. “She’s still camped out with Everett.”

“Camped out?” Everett asks, sounding a bit amused.

Trust me, amused is better than the alternative.

Noah nods, which is as sure as signing his death certificate. “That’s right.”

“As if it’s a passing phase?” Everett prods as that amused expression does a disappearing act.

Knew it.

“It is,” Noah assures him just as a woman the size of a hot pink air balloon barrels in and wheezes the words Big Boss for all to hear.

Noah sighs at the sight. “I’d better deal with this.”

“And I’ll deal with you later,” Everett growls.

Noah takes off and I give Everett a kiss as the three of us split ways.

Everett heads for the bar, and I put on an apron and help serve dinner to the masses.

Lily is right.

The tips are insane.

At this rate, by the end of the month, I’ll have enough to pay for both Evie and Lyla Nell’s college educations. And lucky for me, I don’t plan on keeping this place for much longer than that.

The evening wears on like a long fevered dream filled with far too much lasagna and far too many people to enjoy it.

The entire restaurant sings “Happy Birthday” to Bella Hall, and pineapple upside-down cake is enjoyed by the ladies.

All night I watch as Jed Silver escorts people in and out of the private club in the back. I’m shocked Noah and Everett aren’t onto that place by now, but give it time and everyone will know about it.