The latter is certainly a possibility.

“Jane”—I lean in—“the night Julia died, what kind of cocktail did you have?”

“Bloody Mary,” she says quickly. “And boy, am I glad. Apparently, that drink Julia imbibed did her in.” She gives a mean shudder. “And to think she used to say I was the unlucky one in the bunch.” She glances to the sky. “I’m still breathing, Julia. How’s that for being unlucky?”

Phineas and I exchange a quick glance.

“Jane, how did that blue liquid get on your arm that night?” I ask.

She inches back and appraises me with a quick once-over. “Who knows? I was with Julia—and we are on a ship—it probably just sloshed over me.”

“The ship is as stable as a mountain. It couldn’t rock, sway, or jolt a drink out of anyone’s hand.” I can’t help it if I came off as snippy.

The Emerald Queen feels like family at this point. I’d defend her to the death. But here’s hoping I won’t have to.

“Well then, who knows?” She shrugs. “Julia was in a way. She was always irritated about something, but that night she was downright angry.”

“Ask her about the ex,” Phineas says.

“Was it because Travis showed up?” I ask and Phineas shakes his head.

“The other ex,” he whispers. “Hers. I heard what Nadine said.”

I’m about to do just that, but Jane takes a breath.

“The funny thing is”—Jane glances over her shoulder—“Julia didn’t even know Travis was coming until he stepped into the room. But even he has never riled her up that bad.”

“Then what did?” Phineas asks.

I think I might know.

“Jane, is it true that Julia was the one who outed you to your so-called sponsors and then to your fans as a fake influencer?”

Her lips tighten in a knot. “I’ve forgiven her.” She lets out a huge breath. “After all, she’s technically lost more than her followers now, hasn’t she?”

Exactly what I was thinking.

“And is it true that your ex-husband owns an exotic reptile shop?” I prod further and her eyes widen twice their size.

“Look, I don’t think I like what you’re implying. Sure, I hated what she did to me. But I went into business with her. We were friends. I certainly didn’t poison her.” She gags on a thought. “Is that why you asked what drink I had that night? Trixie, I was the one who went and picked up the drinks from the bar. I picked one up for Julia, too, until she came over and snatched it up. If you’ll excuse me, I have a bra to take off, and some new wounds to lick. I didn’t kill Julia Edwards, but somebody did. And I’m beginning to think they’re trying to pin it on me.” She stalks off and I shake my head in her wake.

“Now what?” I ask, but before Phineas can open his ghostly mouth, Travis Weatherly walks right through him and into me.

“Sorry.” He pulls back with a laugh and his mouth lights up like a flashlight. His teeth glow far brighter than anyone else’s, and I’m betting he’s had some serious work done to procure those pearly glow-in-the-dark whites. “I’m afraid I’ve got brassieres on the brain and wasn’t looking where I was going.” He holds up an arm full of women’s delicate accouterments. “I scored six points.”

Phineas nods. “And if he’s lucky, he’ll score again later.”

I make a face at the lascivious spook.

“Travis.” I lean his way. “Did you hear anything dicey about the loans Julia and Nadine took out for their lipstick venture? Jane says she wasn’t a part of any of that.”

He shakes his head. “I’m shocked anyone was taking out a loan at the rate they were begging for cash. They were both broke, you know, Julia and Nadine. That’s why they pulled Jane into it. And the very reason they wanted to hook a hose up to my bank account as well. If the loans sound dicey, it’s because they are. I don’t know who in their right mind would give a dime to two broke girls.” He holds up his arm and the bras dangle like trout on a fishing line. “I’d better return these to their rightful owners.”

He takes off and Phineas gives a wistful tick of the head. “If he’s smart, he’ll offer to help put them back on.”

“You would.”

“I have.”