“I was only following your genius lead.”

“What about me?” Sparky yelps. “How long is it going to take you two dingbats to realize I’m the brains of this organization.”

“Dingbats?” I give Nettie a curt look and she shrugs.

“Don’t feel too bad,” she says. “He called me a nitwit this morning.”

“That’s because you display evidence of such,” Bess quips.

The music turns down a notch as Tinsley herself hops onto a makeshift stage wearing an A-line dress with giant paisley flowers plastered over it.

“Attention, Cancel Culture Club and your esteemed guests! With permission from your fearless leader, Nadine Dixon”—the crowd goes wild—“I’ll be hosting one of the ship’s wildest games throughout the evening, a little gem known as the treasure hunt!”

Both Bess and Nettie howl like a couple of werewolves in front of a full moon.

Just great.

Not only has the killer lost their mind, but so has everyone else.

Here’s hoping another dead body isn’t headed my way.

And for Bess and Nettie’s sake, here’s hoping there aren’t any silver bullets involved either.


“What’s going on?” I ask as the Cancel Culture Club’s seventies bash continues to rage around us right here on the promenade deck.

“This is going to be fun,” Bess says.

And just like that, a part of me is worried because Bess rarely thinks that anything is fun.

Nettie wags a finger at her friend. “And I’m going to win the scavenger hunt just like I did last time.”

“I won last time,” Bess balks at the thought. “You stole my gift card.”

To Bess’ point, Tinsley just announced that the thrill of the chase will payout in the form of a five hundred dollar gift card that can be used in any of the shops in the Queen’s Mall. As enticing as that sounds, I’ve seen the prices in those shops, and five hundred dollars won’t go far.

Another viral whoop circles the promenade deck.

“Are you ready for your first assignment?” Tinsley shouts into the microphone, and the crowd goes wild once again. “You’ll have five minutes to bring it here to the stage and garner a point for each item. The person with the most treasure points at the end of the night wins the prize! The first treasure to hunt for is…a brassiere! Hand over as many over-the-shoulder boulder holders as you can snap up because—the clock is ticking.”

“Quick, Trixie”—Bess says, pulling her arms into her peasant blouse and doing a funny little dance—“take off your bra and give it to me.”

“I’m not giving you my bra.”

“Haven’t I risked my life, hunting down killers with you?” she balks. “The least you can do is give me a leg up in the competition—or more specifically, a bra up as it were.”

“Fine,” I say, pulling my arms into my shirt and quickly landing that red lace number into her hands. “I had hoped a certain handsome detective would want to show off his boogie night moves in my cabin later. But seeing that it’s for a worthy cause, it’s yours.”

The only thing worth anything in this conversation is Bess’ life, and as she so astutely pointed out, she’s laid it on the line for me. Handing over my fantasy incarnate is the least I can do for her.

“Thanks.” She snatches it from me before presenting a lace number of her own. “I couldn’t help it. It was on special down in the Queen’s Boutique.”

“Some friend you turned out to be,” Nettie grouses my way. “Come on, Sparky. I’ve got a panty raid of the ages to conduct and I’ll need a culprit in lingerie crime.” She stalks off just as Bess makes a beeline for the stage.

I’m about to scour the crowd for Ransom when Nadine bumps into me.

She’s wearing a long T-shirt dress with peace signs and flowers printed all over it and stands tall with a pair of hot pink platform shoes on.