Are those tears?

If they were, he sucked them down real fast, because his brow arched and he glared at all three of us like we were his enemies, not his brothers.

“Bitch fucking deserved it.” The sheer coldness behind his words shook me to my core.

Bitch deserved what?

Who was in the room?

“What the fuck did you do?” Snyder growled, puffing up against our Prez like he was ready to take him down.

“What I had to, to shut her damn mouth.” It was almost like a silent sob worked through him, but he kept scowling, even with the brief jerking of his chest. “I’m fucking going up to the cabin for a few days.”

“But the Crows know where it is.”

“Fuck the Crows. Any bitch that wants to come at me won’t live to see the next day.” Sabbath’s head swiveled toward the door and frowned.

“Make her disappear.”

Then he sprinted off. Almost like he was running.

Disappear? What the fuck was he talking about? Who was he talking about?

Snyder takes two steps into the room, and fucking stops cold.

“I’ll fucking kill him,” he roars, turning abruptly to follow our Prez outside. Clash runs to Shasta’s side; she’s lying motionless on the ground, but it looks like she’s breathing.

“Go after them. This shit is going to get bloody.”

My adrenaline kicked in the second I saw her lying there. The bastard did something to her, and now he was running because of it.

I bolted through the club, pushing my way through the other members and club whores until the front doors of the club were thrown open and the sun blinded me.

Sabbath was already getting on his bike, but he wasn’t alone. Nina was behind him. Snyder was in the middle of the parking lot with his gun raised, pointing it directly at the only man who was above him.

“What the fuck did you do?” Snyder yelled.

“What the bitch deserved!” Sabbath yelled back, lighting a cigarette before he started up his bike.

“Sabbath, get the fuck back here!” Snyder ordered.

Sabbath waved him off with a middle finger, and took off, not once looking back at Snyder, who didn’t pull the trigger.

I didn’t even know that my fists were clenched by my side until I released them, and blood dripped down from my palm.

“FUCK!” Snyder raged. “That motherfucker has to die!”

By this time, more members and prospects had filtered out of the club, each of them staring at our VP like he lost his goddamn mind.

He whipped around, pointing the gun at anyone who was standing behind him. “Any of you bastards have something to say?”

They parted to let Clash through. He was carrying Shasta in his arms, and she was weeping against his chest, a clear black eye forming on her already bruised face. Her old bruises were just starting to fade, but Sabbath created a new one—and this one looked like it would be impossible to heal.

“We need to get her out of here,” Clash announced. “Ranger, go collect her things. I think she has some shit over at Ramona’s house too.”

I nodded. I didn’t know why, but I would do anything to make sure Shasta was safe. It didn’t matter what she told Sabbath; no woman deserved that kind of treatment—not even his Ol’ Lady.

“The rest of you, get the fuck back inside,” Snyder ordered. “When Clash and I get back, I’m calling Church. This shit needs to end.”