Yeah, that devastation lasted two fucking seconds. Typical Sabbath.

“I’m not exactly giving you a goddamn choice.”

“You’re my fucking woman. If I tell you to fucking stay by my side, you fucking stay by my side.”

My spine may have once been weak, but today it suddenly felt stronger than ever. “And what, Sabbath? Watch you ignore me for two more years because another man touched me? Oh, wait. Men. Filthy fucking men touched me this time. Their hands were all over me—your fucking property! They beat and raped me until I almost died. And you know whose fault that was?” My eyes darkened. “MINE!” I screamed.

His eyes widened. “Da fuck? How could them raping you be your fault?”

He was so stupid.

I turned toward him, fists clenched, ready to unleash the fucking caged she-wolf inside me. I was done cowering to him. I was done pretending that I was okay with any of this. If he wanted to play fuck-fuck games, I’d play them all better.

“Because of you, asshole! Because you seduced me that night and made me believe you’d give me forever. I thought Hoax and I were over. You convinced me of that, his own damn best friend. You told me he was done with me…” Tears spilled down my face. “You consoled me. I felt so fucking safe in your arms in ways I never felt with him. You made me feel like I was special and loved completely.”

“Because you are…”

Yeah, motherfucker, let that guilt show. I can see it in your eyes. You know what you did.

“But we weren’t broken up, were we, Sabbath? You knew that the fight between Hoax and I wasn’t really an end, and you waited… waited for him to get back home from a night of drinking to find me sucking your cock. I should’ve known then that you were this fucked up sadistic asshole who only thrives on drama.”

“He didn’t love you, Shasta!” Sabbath argued. “He was just as bad as me, if not worse. He brought home a different girl every damn night after you left. He fucked them all behind your back and you never knew about it. But I did. I knew he had something special and fuck me for going after the only woman I’ve ever wanted. The only reason you ever dated him at all was because he got to you first. But I saw you. I saw you that night at the football game and even pointed you out to him. But no. You weren’t interested in the scrawny wide receiver. You wanted the star athlete, the big man on the field. Mr. All-American quarterback. I never stood a fucking chance back in high school. But you definitely wanted me after I bulked up and outshined Hoax in every way in college, didn’t you?” Somehow, he had moved in front of me, gripping my cheeks with strong, possessive fingers. “You fucking devoured my cock like the horny little whore that you were. I didn’t need to coax you into my bed. You were already dreaming about warming my sheets before I ever showed you what color they were.”

He was so right. I did want him back then, but I wasn’t a cheater… not until he tricked me into sucking him off.

“What does it matter now? Like you said, you’re just as bad as him. EIGHT GIRLS, SABBATH!” My voice was so loud even my own ears were ringing. “Eight fucking girls warmed your bed when you couldn’t even touch me. So, what do you think of me now, baby? Now that more men have had their filthy hands all over my body?” I moved in closer, the devil taking over me. “Do you want me more now? Do you want to wash their scent off me with your putrid seed? What would you do if you knew I fucking enjoyed it?” I questioned, moving my head from side to side like a cobra being charmed. My chest brushed his mammoth pecs, and everything in my body was screaming for him to take me.

I was fucking deranged!

I’ve officially lost it!

Sabbath’s eyes didn’t need to darken. That black soulless expression was already there, daring me to say one more word.

But I was teetering on the tightrope of absolution, and even though I was telling him I enjoyed what happened with Hoax and his minions, I was really talking about my obsession with his own men. The three who’d consumed all my thoughts since I felt their cocks inside me.

He didn’t need to know what it was I actually enjoyed. I just needed him to feel a sliver of the insignificance he’s drilled into me since my fucking world exploded.

I moved my lips to his ear, making sure this last blow hit him exactly where it counted… his cock.

“What if I said that I’ll remember each of their dicks and think only of them, if you and I ever fuck again? What if I said that every time we’ve fucked since you saw me with your brother, I’ve had to picture it was his cock inside me and not yours? Because I was more satisfied being raped by Leppard and the Crows than I’ve ever been in the five or six years I’ve been fucking you.”

I’ll never forget that cold look of pure unadulterated rage that filled Sabbath’s eyes.

It was the last thing I saw before everything went black.

This time I went way too far.

Chapter Five


I followed Snyder and Clash down the hall. Everyone heard the screaming and yelling, and we all knew where it was coming from.

As we approached the door, we heard what sounded like a body hitting the ground, and all of us looked at each other with the same grim expression.


Not even a second after we heard the sound, the door flies open and out runs Sabbath with a duffle slung over his shoulder, coming to a full stop when he sees us.