It's official… Hoax broke me.

I’m damaged beyond repair.

“I’m going to tear up that fucking twat till you bleed on my dick,” he growled against her cheek, rubbing his tented jeans against her tight ass. “Then I’m going to use that blood soaked cum to jerk me off until I coat every inch of you with my seed.”

Never in my life had I heard such vulgar things, but it was affecting me in ways I couldn’t explain.

Down, girl. Stop salivating at the pussy.

I didn’t even realize I was gasping until both their heads shot over to look at me and caught me watching.

“Fucking creeper much?” she bitched, her eyes narrowing in on me. “Can’t keep Sabbath happy, so you need to fucking watch others have their fun?”

Wasp grabbed her throat, squeezing until she could no longer speak. “Now that’s not how we treat Master’s friends, is it, Little girl?”

She shook her head as he grabbed both of her wrists with his other hand, linking them behind her.

“Say you’re sorry.”

“I’m sorry,” she choked out. His fingers getting more punishing.

“MEAN IT!” he shouted into her ear, and a nervous squeak followed.

“I’m sorry!” she yelled as he yanked her head back and licked her cheek. She shuddered and moaned at the same time

“Good girl. Now get in Master’s room and wait until I’m ready to punish you.”

She scampered off, disappearing behind a door close by.

Wasp turned toward me and leaned against the wall. “Like what you saw, Shasta?”

I half nodded, half shook my head, completely dumbfounded over what just fucking happened.

A sexy wink followed as he slicked his long, dark locks behind his ear. “If you ever need a master, you know where to find me.”

Then he sauntered off, leaving me horny as hell and completely mind numb.

What the fuck just happened?

There was an utter devastation in Sabbath’s eyes as I finished packing the rest of my stuff in his room.

I was done with everything.

After the shit I’ve been through, the last thing I needed was a constant reminder of the fucking hell I’d been through.

I was fucking numb to everything.

What woman who’s been brutally raped craves to be dominated? I was mentally screwed up. Yeah, I could still picture those men touching me, and then Hoax and his abuse, but none of it kept me from craving more.

More sex.

More men.

More revenge.

Sabbath could pretend all he wanted that he was devastated by me leaving, but he was also a good liar. A true snake with very little spine.

“Do you really think I’m just going to fucking let you walk out on me?” he boomed, not giving a fuck who heard him.