“Does it fucking matter? He’s beneath you, remember? You fucking walked away from him and treated him like he was some fucking peasant not fit to shine your shoes. Well, let me tell you something, Lindy. That man right there would’ve given you the fucking world if you let him. He would’ve jumped in front of bullets for you and moved heaven and earth just to see you smile. You fucking broke him, and no amount of fake tears are going to change the ungodly amount of vapid bitch festering in that tiny little body of yours. Get the fuck out of here. You’re not wanted or welcome here.”

Her bottom lip quivered as she took a step back toward the door.

“I just wanted to see if he was okay.” A single tear dripped down her cheek, and it made me wonder if she was a professional actress?

“The doctors say he’s probably going to be a vegetable if he ever wakes up. So, there you go, now he’ll live up to that fucked up image you have of him in your head.”

She stared at me in disbelief, clutching her stomach like I suckered punched her. “A vegetable?” Her voice was tiny, and full of emotion.

“Yes. But that doesn’t matter to you. So, please do my friend a favor and remove yourself from his hospital room. He doesn’t need your negative energy fucking up his recovery.”

She covered a sob as she ran from the room. It was a small victory, but one that was needed since my friend couldn’t fight for himself.

“Don’t worry, Brother. The bitch is gone. Now all you need to do is clear those cobwebs out of your head and find your way back to us. When you wake up from this, you’re going to be yourself again. That’s something I feel deep in my bones.”

I patted his hand, then settled into the chair beside him.

He was going to wake up.

He had to.

Chapter Four


I was doing my best to keep my spirits up, but everyone was down, not just me. Sandman was still unconscious in the hospital, and the doctors said the longer he was under, the more likely he would wake up unable to think or speak. The thought of him never being able to communicate with anyone again absolutely broke me.

Ranger was taking it the worst. Apparently, the two had been friends since they were kids, and Sandman was the only reason he joined the club in the first place. They were an odd couple at best. Ranger was one of the smaller men in the club. He was lean and fit, with hardly any muscle. There was a smattering of tattoos that crawled up his neck and dipped down beneath his cut, but I never had the pleasure of seeing anything else.

Sandman was the gentle giant. His mammoth size towered over most of the other club members, and everything about him was big, especially that long cock I couldn’t get out of my head. It made me wonder what the other guys in the club would be like? Would any of them be open to fucking me, too?

I had to shake the silly thought from my head. Of course, they wouldn’t. Hell, most of them didn’t even talk to me. Actually, besides Clash, Sandman, and Snyder, my interaction with club members was pretty non-existent in the Lewd Outlaws’ world.

Sighing, I trudged down the hall, only to come to an abrupt stop when I saw Wasp standing at the end of the hall, gripping Keelie by the throat.

“Did Master tell you that you could leave?” he growled, his fingers tensing around her throat.

“No, Master.”

His teeth tugged on her ear, pulling until an almost erotic gasp spilled from her lips.

Oh god, why is this so fucking hot?

His meaty hands moved down her front, gripping her breasts so possessively it felt like he was inserting his dominance over me as well. “Master’s not happy with you, Little Girl.”

She squeaked as he clamped her nipple between two fingers. Then he abruptly turned her around, pulling up her skirt until her ass cheeks were on full display.

The loudest smack I ever heard ricocheted through every wall, whacking my pussy like a wayward arrow. Instantly I was wet, watching as the woman groaned over the pleasure and pushed into him.

“You’ve been a bad little girl, Keelie. And I see a punishment coming your way.”

She giggled evilly, enjoying this shit.

Fuck, I would too.

God, what the hell was wrong with me?

I shouldn’t be craving any of this. Not after what happened… not when Sandman was still fighting for his life. I should cower at every damn sound. I should shy away from touch and not be visualizing it was me being spanked instead of Keelie. But here I was, getting off on just the thought of a man beating me into submission.