“I just wanted to check on him,” she said, sniffing. “I heard he was in an accident, and all I wanted was to make sure he was okay.”

I kind of felt bad for instantly getting gruff with her, but after what Jesse told me about her, I couldn’t help but hate her existence.

“Yo, what’s up?”

Jesse was pounding back beer after beer at the club’s bar. The rest of the club was standing around doing their normal fuck and blow shit with the sweet butts, but Jesse was just sitting there lost in his own head.

“You okay, man?” I asked, sitting down next to him.

He grunted. A usual response when he was so pissed, he couldn’t speak.


He glared at me. “Don’t even speak that bitch’s name.”

“Shit. What happened this time?”

He rolled his eyes.

“What usually happens when she comes to visit? She hops on the cock and takes off with a squawk.”

I laughed. Lindy was notorious for one-night stands. Which they weren’t necessarily one-nighters if she returned every damn day.

“What was her excuse this time?”

“That she wasn’t going to lower her standards to fit into my world.”

Ouch. That one stung even my heart.

“What a bitch.”

He took another long pull from his beer.

“I’m just fucking over this shit,” he growled. “One minute she’s all over me… the next she treats me like I’m filled with pus and going to infect her with herpes. I never fucking strayed on her. Not once. I’ve had plenty of offers. The sweet butts all but put on a parade for me, but I still didn’t touch a single tit, nor did I ever have one drop on their knees and try to deep throat me. We both know this is one tongue dispenser that could gag a giraffe.”

I laughed. “Sounds like a bunch of missed opportunities.” Havarti and Keelie picked that exact moment to sashay by, and I couldn’t help but watch their asses as they went.

Keelie was a newer girl to the club, and one that none of the guys had touched just yet. At least, that’s what I heard. She supposedly wasn’t ready for that, and it was Havarti’s job to break her in. But I did see Wasp sniffing around her, and there’s no telling what that man would do to her if he actually got his hands on her. He was depraved and had the sexual appetite of a horny rabbit. If he got ahold of her, she’d be ruined for everyone else.

“I just don’t get it,” he roared out, making a few people look our way. “I gave that bitch everything. My dick. My soul. My fucking heart. She fucking trampled them all like she was walking over a dirty puddle. I just wanted her to fucking love me back. Is that so much to ask?”

His eyes vacantly washed away any emotion as he went back to drinking. He wasn’t about to let the rest of the guys see him sulk, not when it could be seen as a weakness.

“She’s not fucking worth it, Brother.”

He shook his head, a brief moment of helplessness filling his eyes.

“That’s where you’re wrong, Ranger. She was worth everything.”

Lindy cleared her throat, pulling me away from my thoughts.

“Is he—” Her voice broke with emotion, and it almost seemed real. Almost.

“He’s alive, if that’s what you’re asking?”

“What have the doctors said?”

My blood boiled as I took in that pitiful gaze of hers. It couldn’t be real, not after the bullshit stuff she said about him.