“Because I know my brothers, and I know who was there when we agreed to our stupid, little pact. A pact I wish I could take back if I could, if it meant you could only be mine,” Snyder breathed out.

She nibbled on her lips, her eyes shifting back and forth between us. “Okay, I’ll do my best.”

“Hot damn!” Clash said with glee. “I think Shasta’s going to be the first Ol’ Lady to ever go through the ranks.”

She frowned, tears pooling in her eyes, making my heart break for her even more. It was so wrong of us to ask her of this, but I knew it was the only way. If we acted on our own, the whole club would turn against us, and we couldn’t have that.

“You’re making her sound like a club whore,” I growled. “That’s not what this is about, Clash. She’s not like the other girls. She’s not doing this for fun. She’s doing this for revenge—for the club.”

“Oh, I know. But if the other guys are anything like me, then they’re going to love getting a piece of the Prez’s Ol’ Lady.”

Snyder opened up his mouth to argue with Clash, but his phone interrupted him. He put a finger up to his lips, showing that it was Sabbath calling in.

“Yeah?” Snyder said, answering the call.

“Where the fuck are you?” he growled.

“Taking care of Shasta like you asked.”

“What?” he raged. “What do you mean?”

Snyder shot me a look. “You said to make her disappear. So, we did.”

“Well, get her the fuck back to the clubhouse, pronto.”

“Why?” Snyder growled back. “Why should I bring her back just so you can keep hurting her?”

“Because Sandman’s awake. And he’s asking for her.”

Chapter Ten


My bike couldn’t get to the hospital fast enough.

My friend was alive! He was awake!

The thought of him waking up without me there hung heavy in my heart. I wanted to be the first person to see him wake up, but I wasn’t. I was too busy fucking the Prez’s Ol’ Lady to remember that my friend was hurt and lying in a hospital bed.

What the fuck was wrong with me? There are more important things in life than pussy, especially pussy that could get me in trouble.

I didn’t care if Snyder and Clash were behind me or not, my only goal was to get to the hospital to see Jesse.

Sabbath was in the waiting room, pacing around when I got there. The second I walked through the door, he gripped me by the collar of my shirt and threw me up against the wall.

“Where the fuck you been?”

I gripped his wrist, finding all the strength inside of me to push him away. He was twice the size I was, but in that moment, I didn’t care about Sabbath’s jealous rage, all I cared about was getting to my best friend.

“Get the fuck out of my way,” I challenged, pushing him backward. “I want to see my friend.”

Sabbath’s grip tightened. “Did you touch her?”

“You’re fucking crazy!”

He sniffed at me like a dog. “You smell like her perfume.” His eyes widened crazily, like a fucking escaped mental patient ready to kill on command.

My heart thudded in my chest, but I wasn’t about to let him intimidate me. Right now, Sandman needed me.