Snyder guided Shasta down the stairs, giving up the seat he was sitting in, to her. “We all care about her and want to protect her. But we also know it’s not going to be easy. Sabbath’s still the Prez of the club, and without the other officers on the council standing beside us, we’re fucked.”

Clash nodded, his eyes widening as a thought popped into his head. I swear I could hear his tiny wheels spinning as he turned to face Shasta.

“Baby girl, I know right now that you’re completely exhausted, and probably a little perturbed by Mr. Lovesick’s confession over here, but I think I know of a way to get the rest of the club on board and overthrow Sabbath.”

She gasped, covering her mouth. “Are you going to hurt him?”

Snyder took her hands, forcing her to meet his eyes. “No, baby, we’re going to kill him.”

She violently shook her head, tears immediately spilling down her cheeks. “No no no no no, I can’t do that. No, anything else but that.”

Snyder moved even closer to her, their knees touching and brushing against each other. “Baby, I know you love him, but think about all he’s done to you. The man turned his back on you when you were at your weakest and then flew straight into the arms of other women. That wasn’t fair to you. And you shouldn’t have to put up with that.”

She moved her head to look at the table. “But do you have to kill him in order for that to happen?”

My hand instinctively gripped her chin, forcing her to look up at me. “The only way out of the Lewd Outlaws is in a body bag. After what he did to the club, and to you, the man’s better off dead.”

She quickly stood up, ready to race from the room, but I blocked her path, forcing her to look at me when I gripped her shoulders.

“Shasta, it doesn’t have to happen right now, but it’s going to happen soon. You can’t stop the flood when it starts raging, and Sabbath’s been drowning himself in the rushing waters of his own betrayal for years. None of us want to do this, but in order to establish order in the club again, it has to happen. Don’t you understand that?”

She nodded weakly. “I think I do.”

Clash’s chair squeaked beneath him as it scraped across the floor. “But in order for any of this to happen, baby girl, we need you.”

“Me? Why me?”

“Because the only thing that Sabbath gives a fuck about is you. You’re property to him, and the thought of others touching his property would drive him crazy enough to go off the deep end and get the others involved. You wanted your revenge for him sleeping with all those other girls. Now you have your chance.”

“How?” she asked, sucking back a shuddering breath.

“By finishing what you started…”

She looked confused. Hell, all of us looked confused.

Clash continued his crazy idea, “The officers, baby girl. Finish what you started. Fuck your way through his ranks, make them all fall for you the way you have us. Get them on our side. Then we can strike when our numbers are higher and the motivation for self-preservation kicks in.”

She shot a look Snyder’s way. He looked mortally wounded, and as stupid as Clash was, his logic made sense. Unless the other members fucked Shasta too, we’d never get them on our side.

They all needed to cash in their Hall passes. It was the only way to overthrow the king and claim his kingdom as ours.

“I don’t know…” she mumbled weakly. “Would they really want to be with me like that?”

Snyder grasped her chin and kissed her sweet, seductive lips. “Baby, any man who didn’t fall for your advances is a fucking lunatic.”

She looked at the three of us, her shoulders slumping in defeat. “I don’t know. What if it doesn’t work? What if one of them tells Sabbath?”

“They won’t, not as long as they’re just as guilty. Which is why you’re so important. You’re the only woman in the club I know almost everyone wants. It has to be you.” I answered. “Hell, I had no plans on doing anything with you, and look at me, now I can’t get you off my mind.”

She blushed ever so slightly. “I get what you’re all saying, but you really want me to sleep with all the club?” She shot a look toward Snyder who looked absolutely conflicted. “Even you.”

“No. I don’t want you to touch anyone but me, but I also know that this lunatic is right, without the rest of the officers, we’re fucked. I don’t want to share you, baby. But in this case, I kinda have to. But only if you say yes. After all you’ve been through, we’d totally understand if you said no.”

She frowned. “No, it’s okay. I guess I can give it a try, but if I can’t flip them, and they say something…”

“They won’t,” Snyder quickly replied.

“What makes you so sure?”