Then, those lips of his quirked up impishly, his cock hardening as he stared me down, and penetrated me with his hungry gaze.

“Who’s ready to switch?” he asked eagerly.

Clash’s lips covered mine, tasting his own essence on my tongue, before he passed my head back to Snyder and his sexy pout covered my lips craned to meet his.

“I’m always ready for more rounds,” Snyder whispered against my lips. “But are you, baby?”

I nodded with eternal weakness, spent by these beautiful men who now owned every part of me.

“If it means more of this, then I’m ready for anything,” I whispered back, my whole soul leaving my body as he eased out of me.

“Damn, Snyder, did you snatch her soul or something? She looks fucking weightless right now,” Clash joked.

Snyder laughed, moving over so Clash could take his place.

“Beat that, asshole,” he challenged.

Clash’s growl vibrated my eardrum as his cock poked and prodded my entrance, splitting me even further as he pulled me down his length. “Gladly.”

It was in that moment, as the three men descended on me again, each taking turns with every part of me, that I knew I no longer belonged to Adam. I belonged to every member who called himself a Lewd Outlaw. I belonged to his whole fucking club.

Chapter Nine


I woke up in a sheen of sweat, covered from head to toe. I was lying in a bed somewhere, wrapped around a female form. When I opened my eyes, I was greeted by a mass of dark curls, and the faint scent of her Jasmine shampoo.

My mind finally caught up with me, and I bolted upright, realizing what the fuck I did.

“Fuck!” I gritted out, working my fingers through my hair in frustration.

What the fuck did I do?

Flashes of last night bombarded me like tiny little grenades. My cock was still semi-hard just thinking about all the places on Shasta’s body it explored.

I fucked the Prez’s Ol’ lady…

I cashed in my Hall Pass…

Holy fuck!

Shasta was sound asleep next to me, her body shivering because I accidentally uncovered her. We must’ve really done a number on her last night because not even my impulsive jumping up woke her.

Both Snyder and Clash were missing from the room, so I moved from the bed, carefully covering her before heading downstairs.

I found them at the table whispering.

“This shit needs to end,” Snyder growled, his fists clenched in frustration.

“I know. But how the fuck do we get everyone else on board?”

A floorboard creaked beneath my foot, causing them both to look my way.

“How was it?” Clash smirked.

“Fuck,” I breathed out, unable to form coherent words. “Just fuck.”

They both laughed.