Page 16 of Presents and Praise

I drag a thumb over her plump lips. Are they extra plump from Ford kissing her? Possessiveness rolls through me, but in a non-competitive way. I’m mostly bummed that I didn’t get to watch.

Keeping in mind that this is her apartment, I acknowledge that her friends and neighbors could potentially see her, even though no one and nothing is stirring out here, not even a mouse. I chuckle at my Christmas joke, but keep it to myself.

“The only thing anyone could see is me kissing you, so I won’t, but trust me, I want to.”

Her shoulders pull up. “Thank you.”

“But I will fuck you.”

Her body stiffens.

“Are you okay with that?”

“I definitely want to have sex with you and Ford and James, but out here?” She screws up her mouth.

I spin her around. The ambient light from the parking lot isn’t exactly the romantic glow from candles, but the rest of the scene works. “What better place for your first time? And since you’re playing out porn scenarios, you might as well check off balcony sex.”

“And end up as one of those public sex videos?” She swivels her head left and right, presumably deciding if any neighbors are likely to be filming.

“It’s dark. No one would get a good shot.”

She laughs. “That’s comforting.”

“With the parking lot in front of us, any possible vantage point is pretty far away. You feeling frisky?”



Frisky?More like horny. How can I be so sure I need a dick inside of me when I’ve never experienced it. Must be instinct kicking in. I can’t believe I’m considering this.

I study the other apartments. Some have lights on. A couple are vacant. A few neighbors have gone out of town. I’m on the second story so no one can see from above. With the privacy wall, our naughty bits truly are protected.

There’s one thing I wanted to do before having sex though. Before losing my courage, I turn around and drop to my knees. Wrapping my hands around Heath’s shaft, I kiss the tip. The musky bead catches on my lips, leaving a little string between us as I pull away.

My tongue darts out, savoring the salty treat. Are women genetically programmed to crave this? My intent was one little kiss, but now I’m torn between wanting his dick in my lady parts or my mouth.

“I wasn’t expecting that, Sweetness.” His fingers tangle in my hair.

I thought guys just did that in porn videos so the camera could get a better shot. Geez, it’s hot. It’s making my sex tingle and ache even worse. Diving in for another kiss, I add tongue. His tip is so smooth.

I love it. I love each of their nicknames for me… I need to quit saying that word.

He groans and his fingers maneuver my head, holding me close to his body. “Sweetness, if you make me come like this, I’ll expect you to swallow like a good girl.”

Swallowing it is. A shiver runs through me but has nothing to do with the temperature. Fully opening my mouth, I let my tongue lead the way as I slowly take his cock into me. Why does this feel so incredible? I snake a hand between my thighs to ease some of my own pressure.

A choking sound comes from Heath as he drops forward and one of his hands catches on the top of the wall.

I pop off of him. “Am I doing it wrong?”

“The better question is if you lied to me, Sweetness.”

“Lied about what?”

“Only having seen one cock. You’re way too good at this.”

A sense of pride flows through me. I stare up at him from my knees and dip my finger into my sex. It’s insane how wet and swollen I am. “Beginner’s luck?”