I don’t address my friend because I don’t take my eyes off the scene in front of me. Nothing about it is sexual, but I’m insanely jealous about any of her body touching this man’s dick.

“Hey, babe. I feel like you’ve got something to tell me,” Mick says, placing his hands in front of his junk. Still, I’m focused on the beautiful body surfer.

Slowly she steps off him, giving one last kick in the nuts. He rolls over, groaning and gripping his crotch, so I quickly reach out and pull her away, bringing her inches from me, which isn’t entirely safe for many reasons.

With a grunt, he finally croaks out, “Thank you… Sheriff.”

“Let me go.” She yanks on my hands, making me want to bend her over and spank her ass. However, reality kicks in, so I spin her around, locking her arms across her chest to prevent her from resisting. “He’s a piece of shit who wouldn’t take no for an answer and put his hands on me.”

I hold back the violent rumble in my chest that threatens to break free. “Sorry, my hellcat. You need to calm down and behave before I’m forced to arrest you.”

“He’s the one….” Vanessa squirms in my grip, adding to my arousal at this precarious moment. Thankfully, my belt is in the way, and my anger keeps my desire in check. She has no idea I want to do more to him than she did. From the second my eyes landed on her, I knew I had to protect her, even if she didn’t need me. Our relationship is years in the making and I’m not letting her get away again. “… who needs to be arrested.”

“Relax, little hellcat, and tell me what happened. I can’t arrest him if you don’t quit giving me shit.” The crowd watches the scene unfold, but Mick’s eyes are glued to the dumbass on the ground.

“Fine.” Stills in my arms and then turns to look up into my eyes. “I’m calm enough to talk.”

“Good, stay right here.” I release my hold on her and walk over to the crowd.

“Enough with the show; get on with your day, or I’ll have you all locked up for interfering with a crime scene, except you,” I command, pointing to my Riders’ family. The few people scatter except Mick and Jackson. Morgan only leaves because Mick pats her ass and asks her to get something for him.

Now it’s time to deal with the dipshit Darrell without an audience. He’s been known for being a pervert with young women after he’s had a few drinks and a line of blow. He’s got a wife who doesn’t seem to give a fuck that he does it. Only this time he’s put his hands on my woman, a big fucking mistake. “Hands out, Darrell.”

“I didn’t do shit to her,” he says, spitting toward my unexpected distraction and prize. My guys step forward, ready to assist, but I raise my hand.

I slap him upside the back of his head. “Cut the shit, Darrell. I know your record. If anyone in this town is liable to pull that shit, it’s you.”

He shrugs with a head tilt. I can’t tell if he’s still wasted or if she caused the glossy look in his beady eyes. He smiles widely, missing his front tooth from a bar fight two months ago. “Hey, sometimes they like to play hard to get.”

I closed my eyes because I already knew that my vicious kitten didn’t miss a word, and I could hear her muscles uncoil before he could finish the last word. Vanessa doesn’t get past me when I swing her around and pin her against the wall of the bookstore. My guys are watching over the fuckhead, so I focus on my little hellcat.

“Kitten, I told you to fucking behave.” I grab her wrists, holding her still. “He’s a fucking loser who thinks with his tiny dick, so calm your ass down. I don’t want to arrest your ass. If you move again, I will punish you.”

She gasps. “What?” There’s no outrage in her tone. Instead, her gaze is full of excitement and, I dare say, arousal. Was I wrong about the other night? Did she want me and that comment a test? Fuck, I want to drive my pelvis into hers, letting her feel my need. Instead, I give her another look that reiterates my intent. She nods and relaxes, so I can go do my damn job.

I release her and then head over to the dickhead on the ground. Hooking my arm under Darrell’s and leading him over to the back of the squad car, I yank open the door as I read him his rights. Once I’m assured no one is lurking, I lean in and add just for his ears. “You touched my future wife. I should chop off your hands.”