The man is a dream come true. I don’t know how I got so lucky.
“He looks just like you,” Logan says, admiring his son.
“I don’t know. I think he looks a lot like you,” I whisper with a wayward smile. I don’t want to chance waking Miles, since he just fell asleep.
I burp him, and Logan offers to take him and put him down in his bassinet. I hand the sleeping infant over and lean back, letting my eyes drift closed. I’m exhausted, and it’s only the first week. At least at the hospital, the nurses were helpful, but now the baby depends on me for survival.
That thought alone scares me.
“He’s asleep,” Logan says, and climbs right back on the sofa, resuming his earlier position a few minutes prior.
“Oh, good.” I can’t help but yawn. I can’t seem to catch up on sleep, and with a new baby, I wonder when the next time I’ll be able to sleep through the night will be. Weeks? Months? It feels daunting.
“Are you okay?” Logan’s touch is gentle and soothing as he caresses my legs.
I nod and let my eyes drift closed. “I feel like I could sleep for a week.”
I imagine Logan smiling, but I’m too tired to open my eyes.
“Me too,” he says with a soft laugh. “But no comparison, you win.”
I nudge him with my toes. “It’s not a competition,” I say. “And thank you for not getting mad at me at the hospital. I’m sorry for all the terrible things I said while in labor. That was awful.”
“The things that you said, or the pain?”
I open my eyes, and he’s grinning.
“Both,” I say. “I love you.” I’d felt it for months, but it wasn’t something I’d said. I need him to know that nothing will ever come between us.
“I love you too,” he whispers, and reaches for the blanket on the sofa. “You should get some rest while Miles is asleep.” He pulls the blanket over me, helping me get comfortable.
“You’re on diaper duty when he wakes up,” I mumble between a yawn.
“It would be my pleasure.”
“Liar.” He may offer to change Miles’ diaper, but I know he doesn’t want to. No one wants to change a stinky baby’s diaper.
Logan climbs off the sofa and leans down, pressing his lips to my forehead. “For you, Cali, I’d do anything.”
And I believe he would, just as I’d do anything for him.
* * *
Thank you for reading Mountain Grump. I hope you enjoyed Logan and Cali’s story. Continue the adventure with Bachelor Grump.
We’ve all had that nightmare date, the one that makes you want to throw yourself off the platform in front of an oncoming train.
Mine is my hot next-door neighbor who just moved into the building.
He’s a bachelor. And while he’s gorgeous and easy on the eyes, his mouth needs to be zipped shut.
It’s my fault. He asked me out, and I said yes, not knowing that he was an arrogant jerk.
I’d love to say that I’d never see him again, but it gets worse…
He’s also my new boss, and I’m his assistant. He overhears me mocking his "junk" to my colleague, and I swear I didn't intend to show my face at the office ever again.
Because Mr. Grump is the ultimate bosshole.