Page 49 of Mountain Grump

Could I get her into trouble for it? Yes, but it’s not worth the hassle.

That woman screwed me over.

I just want to move on and never look back.

She took the footage I had, changed it, manipulated it, and then posted it online, making Logan out to be the bad guy, which is completely untrue and unfair.

While he was a bit of a grump when I first got to know him, the captions she put on the video were entirely unfair.

I watched it once and grimaced. I couldn’t watch it again and didn’t want to give her any extra video views by repeatedly watching it, either.

I tried calling Logan. He wouldn’t take my calls. I don’t have Julianna’s number or Wyatt’s. When I tried to call the hotel and get transferred, Wyatt told me to leave Logan alone and hung up abruptly.

No one would let me explain what happened.

If I had the money, I’d fly to Breckenridge and explain everything to Logan. But I don’t have the funds. I can barely make ends meet since my last paycheck was short. Bridget decided not to pay me for my services for the last assignment, since she didn’t use the footage I put together.

Except, she did use it. She spliced up the clips I had and made it into her own horror story, giving the resort zero stars. That’s not even something we do!

Did Bridget have it out for Logan from the beginning?

Obviously, there’s bad blood between the two of them. And she made it clear that she expected me to create a scathing video review. It’s why she sent me to the mountains when she knows I hate the cold.

That woman is vile.

But Logan thinks I’m the monster who sold him out. It wasn’t me, and if he won’t take my calls, how am I supposed to explain to him what happened?

I wrote him a letter, but it came back as refused. He didn’t even open it.

He hates me.

There isn’t anything to do but move on. Find another job and chalk this up as a history lesson. Don’t mix business and pleasure.

I shouldn’t have slept with Logan. Not that I regret a moment of it, but it wasn’t a wise decision.

It’s been weeks since I’ve seen him or spoken with him. I have an interview lined up out of state. I can’t afford the plane fare, but the company has offered to fly me out after doing two phone and video interviews with staff.

They’re looking to expand their hotel line in several overseas markets. They want an influencer who can help push them on social media, encouraging travel to those countries and thinking of the Luxenberg line of hotels to stay at.

I don’t complain. It’s a job, and the pay has to be better than what I was making. Besides, I’m late on my bills and put everything on my credit card so that I can make rent.

I can’t keep doing that. I need a job, even if it’s flipping burgers or making sandwiches. That’s my next option if this doesn’t pan out.

I haven’t been to New York before. It’s winter, February, and chilly. There’s snow on the ground but not too much to cause me to be late for the interview. But I’m not dressed warm enough for the cold.

I’m shivering as I rush into the building, my black heels sliding out from under me on the icy pavement.

I curse, but manage to catch myself before landing on my ass or skinning my knee. I don’t need torn pantyhose as a first impression.

My neck is sore, and my arm hurts from trying to catch myself. I managed to pull a muscle, but it could be worse.

I hate heels. I’m only wearing them to look the part of a professional. I’ve met with several staff members via video conference, but they’re having me meet the CEO in person.

I check in at the main desk and am handed a visitor pass and pointed toward the direction of the elevators.

I head into the elevator, exhaling a heavy sigh. As instructed, I press the button for the thirty-fifth floor, and the elevator car zooms up at record speed. My heart pounds in my chest, and my stomach is a ball of nerves. I barely touched my breakfast this morning, afraid I’d get sick.

I shouldn’t be nervous, but this is a big company and a huge interview. If I get the job, I’ll probably have to move to New York, but at least I’ll be able to pay my bills.