Page 27 of Mountain Grump

I spend the next few days avoiding Logan while trying to get as much work done as possible. I set up a few locations for video shoots to get footage of guests going down the slopes, the lodge, the restaurants, and the bar.

But I still haven’t gotten my interview with Logan, and it doesn’t seem like I’m going to at this point. Maybe I should let it go.

I only have forty-eight more hours on the company’s dime before I have to fly home to sunny LA. I look forward to the sun. Even though it’s winter, it’s warmer down south, and there’s zero chance of snow. My kind of weather.

Most of my video shoots have been aesthetic.

“Cali!” Jules waves to me as she runs down the hallway, catching up. I have my phone out, near the window, trying to capture as much light as possible. My ring light died hours ago and is recharging.

“Sorry I bailed on you this week. Can I help?”

“I’m just shooting some footage,” I say.

“That’s my favorite part. Did you get anything from the ski lift?”

“I didn’t. Do you want to come with me?”

Her eyes light up. “I would love to. Should we grab our jackets and meet back here in ten minutes?”

I head upstairs to grab my coat and an extra set of warm clothes. The boots are nice and toasty, and it’s frigid outside, so I don’t want to shiver and shake the camera when I shoot a video.

I slip on my gloves and head down. Jules is already waiting for me.

She grabs my hand and drags me to the ski lift. I have no clue where I’m going, but I could have just as easily followed the signs, although I hadn’t spent too much time outdoors.

“How’s your ankle?” Jules asks as we step in front of the ski lift and are hoisted into the chair. The bar loosely comes down. I scoot back and turn my camera on, sliding to video footage to get pictures of the slopes and guests enjoying the winter wonderland.

“Better,” I say. The audio will all be cut, so it doesn’t matter that we’re talking over the footage I take.

“You should go down the slopes. I mean, how will you review it and give a fair rating if you’ve never been down?”

She’s right. “When we get back, how about you show me the ropes and come with me?”

“Okay,” Jules says, her smile wide and full of excitement.

I snap dozens of pictures and take even more footage for the vlog. The review I’ll write will showcase specific elements of the lodge: dining, hotel, and entertainment. It also focuses on comfort, quality for the price, and what makes them different than any other similar venue.

What makes Blue Sky Resort different is the grumpy owner, but I don’t think that’s what the viewers want to see. Or maybe they do? But I’m not about to trash his name, even if he did run me out of his penthouse suite after I kissed him.

Who cares if he’s not into me? I certainly don’t.

In less than two days, I’ll be gone and will never have to look at that jerk again.

“Are you going to give us a five-star review?” Jules asks. The kid gets right to the point. “Dad will be devastated if you write about the cranky owner.”

That wins a smile. “Your dad is very cranky,” I say.

“Worse than a toddler.” Jules points down below at the black bears trudging through the snow. “Look!”

“Oh wow! Are the skiers in any danger?” I try to hold my phone steady as I shoot video footage from high above.

“They shouldn’t be. The bears are on the other side of the mountain pass. The slopes are behind us,” Jules says. She’s quite familiar with the trails and the route we’re taking. “Besides, they’re not grizzlies, so it should be fine.”

I breathe a sigh of relief. We pass by the bears and jump off when we get back to where we started.

“Come on, let’s get you some equipment, and we can go skiing together.” Jules grabs my hand and drags me inside. She’s lit up like a Christmas tree and practically glowing.

“It’s okay with your dad if you go out?” I ask. He already hates me, although I’m not sure what I did wrong to deserve his wrath. Was it because I kissed him or had a drink in the bar and his brother showed up?