Page 37 of 3 Count

"You underestimate the energy levels of two twenty-two year old fighters," I scoff. "And their hunger. Want to come back to my place for some dinner? I'm in Fairmount, so I'm the closest one to here. I'll pick up some beer on the way and throw some burgers on when we get there."

I can tell she wants to say yes, but what comes out instead is, "I have to shower, I'm all gross after the game—"

"Shower at my place," I say hurriedly. I have no idea why I'm suddenly desperate to keep her with us, I just know I'm not ready for this day to end.

When she only narrows her eyes and stares at me, I shove my hands in my pockets and let the charmer smile slide onto my face. The one that has a 100% track record of getting me what I want.

"Come on, Dani. Hang out with us a little."

Andbingo,I've got her. She rolls her eyes and reaches for her car handle, calling over her shoulder, "Fine. Text me your address, I'll meet you over there. And make sure you get me a Fat Tire if you're stopping for beer."

"Yes, ma'am," I murmur, sliding my own shades onto my nose and turning to Max with a grin. "You heard the lady. Let's go."

Twenty minutes later, we’ve all reached my apartment, and I send Max into the shower as I start to ready the ingredients for dinner. Dani takes a seat at the counter, reaching immediately for one of the beers.

"Do you cook a lot?" she asks curiously once she's popped open the top with her teeth.

"I guess so," I answer with a shrug. "You kind of get in the habit of it when you're fighting. Your diet becomes pretty limited, so it's just easier to prepare food for yourself. I'm not saying I'm Gordon Ramsey or anything, but I do make a mean chicken and broccoli."

She huffs a laugh at that, taking a sip of her beer, before reaching for the salad ingredients. She gestures for me to hand her a big bowl. Silently, we start to prepare dinner together.

After a while, I can't keep the question in any longer. "So this isn't too date-y for you?"

She doesn't even look at me as she shrugs. "Nah. As long as it's not in a restaurant, I'm good with food dates." Appearing to think of something, her hands pause their work as she shoots a quick glance at the bathroom door. "Plus, Max is here. Three people hardly makes a date."

As if saying his name summoned him, Max chooses that moment to step out of the bathroom. He's soaking wet and completely naked, save for the towel wrapped around his waist.

It takes everything in me not to let the grin appear on my face when I see Dani's eyes go wide.

Max doesn't seem to notice. In fact, he's only in our sight for a second before he's striding down the hall to my bedroom to get changed.

I stay silent as Dani physically shakes herself from her reverie. It isn't until she reaches for her cold beer and takes a huge swallow that I let a chuckle slip.

"Dirty girl," I purr in a tease.

Her attention snaps to me, and for a moment I think she'll blush or try to deny it. But I should really know better by now.

She shrugs, returning to the salads. "He's hot. I'd have to be blind or dead to not be interested.”

In an instant, an idea flashes through my mind. Excitement fills my veins, but I glance toward the bedroom, taking a second to consider how Max might feel about it. Except I’m perfectly aware of my best friend’s… tastes, having seen them myself a few times before.

It’s an easy decision, especially weighed against Dani’s lust-filled look from a moment ago.

Abandoning my own dinner preparation, I wipe my hands off before walking around the counter and stepping up behind Dani. I cage her in with my hands on the counter, not quite touching her, but crowding her with my presence as much as possible.

"Areyou interested?" I murmur in her ear, my lips just barely brushing over her skin.

I feel the shiver run through her at my question. "Just Max?" she asks, her tone breathless.

I shrug, even though I know she can't see it. Truth be told, I would prefer she not fuck my best friend one on one, but I don’t let her know that. Because that’s not the game we’re playing. ”If you want. But that's not what I was implying and you know it."

From my vantage point behind and above her, I can see her chest start to rise and fall with her breaths. Can hear the way she's hurrying to suck down more air.

"Think about it, Dani," I continue, running my lips over her temple. "We could both take you to bed. Make you come more times than you can count. Twice as many hands, tongues, cocks… all for you. Just imagine two men completely focused on your pleasure."

She's too turned on to stop a whimper from slipping out. At the sound of it, my dick hardens in my shorts and a growl rumbles through my chest.

I don't wait for an actual answer; I can already read her body well enough to know I've pegged her needs perfectly. Instead, I drop my lips to her inked shoulder for a teasing kiss.