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Eventually, I pull my hips back so only the tip of my cock is inside her. Then I'm driving forward with a grunt and seating myself as deep inside her as possible.

She mumbles something into the gag, something that sounds likeOh my God.And that's enough to make my dick jump and make me want to pound into her until she explodes.

So I do just that. I start to thrust,hard,until she's scratching at my shoulders and whimpering into her makeshift gag. If she was any louder I'd cover her mouth, but as it stands she just sounds like she's hyperventilating.

I grind against her clit on every thrust, wanting to get her as close to finishing as possible before I pull my final card. And when her breaths start to hitch and her leg starts to tighten around my hips, I think I'm at that point.

Grabbing her chin, I forcefully turn her head to the side again. In the next second my lips are against her, whispering directly into her ear at the same time I'm driving pleasure into her body.

"Are you going to scream when you come? Are you going to let the poor, drunk couple know that you're at the end of this alley being fucked into oblivion? I bet they would freak out, dirty girl. I bet they wouldn't expect to see you losing your mind and screaming for more. Are you going to give them a night they'll never forget?"

My words are enough to catapult Dani into an explosive orgasm. And, anticipating her scream, I clap my hand over her mouth to further muffle the sounds she lets out as she comes.

The second her cunt starts to violently contract around my dick, I have no hope of lasting. I drop my forehead to her temple with a groan and empty into the condom. She's too hot for her own good, and I don't have the willpower to give her a lasting session in public. So I begrudgingly come inside her as her own orgasm dies down.

The second I have my breath—and my wits—back, I quickly tug the silk from her mouth so she can breathe again. I tuck it into my back pocket without fully realizing what I'm doing, though the gesture definitely feels right. She doesn't seem to mind, either. She just looks at me with a loopy smile, tightening her grip on my neck, as if she's afraid I'll move away as soon as our tryst is over.

"I guess next time we won't have to wait for the mini golf course to be abandoned before you fuck me," I say breathlessly, my forehead still pressed against her temple. I don't even know if I'll see her again, I just know I don't want this to be the last time.

But she seems to like my casualthis isn't the last timevibe, because she laughs and squeezes me tight for a second. Then she's unhooking her leg from my hip and pushing me back a step so she can right her clothes. I'm left to pull the condom off and tug my own pants back up.

"So… will there be a next time?" I ask, cringing at the tinge of desperation in my tone. It's not that I only want to fuck her, it's just that I'm not used to pushing women for dates after I've made them come hard enough to lose their minds. And IlikeDani. I want to see her again.

"Maybe, pretty boy," she teases, tugging her dress down and taking a step toward the alley entrance.

"Wait, I don't even have your number," I blurt out, giving up on all dating games.

"Are you sure?" she asks, a sly grin on her face as she backs toward the street. Then she's turning around, passing the shocked-looking couple at the end of the alley who is only now realizing they weren't alone. Dani doesn't acknowledge them though, she just strides by them and disappears around the corner.

I let out a string of curses under my breath as I tug my pants into place and button everything up. I'm still whirling from my experience with Dani and I'm pretty sure my brain isn't working right after that orgasm so I'm a few seconds behind on the uptake.

Unfortunately, that's all it takes for her to get away. Again. By the time I'm rushing into the street, she's already long gone. I don't see her anywhere.

I let out another set of curses that would make a sailor blush.Fuck. Fuck fuck fuck.

I'm digging my fingers into my hair in frustration when I feel my phone buzz.

Confused, I pull it out of my back pocket and come face to face with an unknown number.

Unknown: Tonight was fun. Let's do it again sometime.

A grin slowly stretches across my face.That little minx. When did she get her hands on my phone?

But I don't care that she stole my phone and somehow programmed her number into it.

I'm too ecstatic about the fact that I have her number.



I let out an impatient huff as I lean back in my office chair.

I'm waiting for an approval on an assignment I really want, and being entirely impatient as I do it.

Instead of trying to distract myself with more mindless internet browsing, I decide to pull up the app I use to find random travel bartender gigs. I started using it when I realized how sporadic photojournalism can be, when I needed some supplementary income to hold me over between assignments.

As a twenty-three year old girl living on her own, I can use all the money I can get.