Page 95 of 3 Count

I kiss her then. Because I can'tnotkiss her when she just said those words, just gave me everything that I've wanted but was too scared to hope for. I weave a hand into her dark hair and pull her lips to mine, unable to spend another second without the taste of her in my mouth.

And it's everything I remember it being. The way she feels, the way she smells… it's just as intoxicating as it was the first time I had her in my arms.

"I love you," I mumble against her lips. "I'm so in love with you it's insane. And I’m so proud of you for taking a chance."

She pulls back and gives me a small smile, keeping close enough that she can continue touching me. “I figured if you could survive that combo in the ring, we could make it past a 3 count of our own.”

I let out a chuckle, even though the memory of our two arguments before this—and the reminder that this conversation could’ve been our last one if it had gone differently—sobers me at the same time.

Her expression becomes thoughtful. “I’m proud of you too, you know. That fight was incredible. Not just because you pushed past everything with your dad, and with… us, but because you looked like a true professional in that cage tonight. I couldn’t take my eyes off you.”

“Yeah? Even though I’m all cut up and broken?”

She grins. “Even then. Also, let’s please make sure we introduce you to my parents while you’ve still got the black eye that I’m sure is coming tomorrow.” When I only wince at the thought, she laughs.

After a moment, an errant thought makes me frown and pull farther away from her. "On another note—and speaking of rushing the cage—how did you even get in here? This is a fighters and coaches only area and they have it locked down tighter than a bank. How'd you get in?"

She throws her head back and laughs, and the sound is so beautiful that I fall in love with her all over again.

"Don't you know? I'm really good at evading security."


It takes approximately two seconds for Aiden to grab me once I walk into the gym—much to Tristan's annoyance.

My boyfriend grins and wraps an arm around my waist so he can pull me against his body and press his face into my neck. "Hey," he murmurs. "How's my girl doing?"

I try to keep the smile from my face but it's next to impossible nowadays.

Goddamn charmer.

"Good, but if Tristan kicks your ass for leaving the mat and you end up too tired to fuck me later, I'm going to be upset."

When he pulls away from my neck, if possible, his grin is even bigger. Even happier.

"He would have to do a lot more than kick my ass for that to happen, don't you worry."

I only scoff and shove him toward the mat. "Go. I'll wait until you're done, then we'll go eat."

With perfect timing, Tristan chooses that moment to let out a very angry growl of Aiden's name.

Aiden has the good grace to wince when he turns back to his coach. "Sorry. You know how it is, right?Women."

Remy and my growls reach his ears at the same time.

Tristan sighs and shakes his head. "You've got a lot to learn about women, kid. Get back on the mat."

There's still another forty-five minutes left of their training session—most of which Aiden spends getting mauled by a pissed-off Remy—but I don't mind waiting, computer perched in my lap as I get some editing done. Ilikewatching him work out. Ever since he won his pro debut four months ago, he's had a whole new hunger for training. He's been at the gym more, he's worked harder when he's here, and he seemsexcitedto fight again. To push his new pro career as far as it can go. We don't know how far that will be, but for the first time in my life, I'm excited to stand by someone while they pursue something that makes them feel alive.

As alive as Aiden makes me feel every day.

"Thanks for waiting, babe," he says, smacking a kiss to my cheek. But when he goes to do it again, this time reaching to wrap an arm around my waist, I smack his hands away.

"Not until you go shower. I swear, I've never met anyone that sweats as much as you do."

"You love it," he says with a grin, kissing me again. But he backs away anyway and reaches down to grab his gym bag. "Wait here, it'll only take me a few minutes." He pauses, a smug look appearing on his face. "Unless you'd like to join me?"

"Aiden," Tristan growls as he passes us.