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"It's the easy confidence," Dani explains. "Men who know how to handle themselves physically don't act the same as the ones that overcompensate and walk around with a chip on their shoulder." She pauses, then adds, "Also the ears. The ears give it away."

I rub my ears, the one thing I'm slightly self-conscious about being the cauliflower ear that jiu-jitsu has caused.

"I think they're sexy," she assures me with a wink and heated gaze.

My hand drops, a grin stretching across my face as my usual arrogance returns. "Yeah? I know an abandoned building right around the corner that we're not allowed into, want to go check it out with me?"

"Wish I could, pretty boy," she says softly—in a voice that sounds like she's letting me down easy.Fuck.I generally have a rule with my women that's the equivalent of a no double-texting rule, which is:no double offers.I'll chase once, but never twice in a row. It's bad enough that Max told her I've been thinking about last week ever since it happened.

My stomach sinks in disappointment. That was supposed to be my way in. Now, I have to force myself to act cool—and indifferent—when in reality, all I want to do is beg her for her number and convince her to go on a date with me so I can hang out with her and fuck her again.

Instead, I heave a dramatic sigh. "Fine, I guess that means I'll be crying myself to sleep tonight, sad and alone. Maybe someday I'll figure out how to get over you."

She lets out a laugh at my answer, which sparks hope in my chest.Maybe she'll ask me out instead? I can't be the only one that enjoyed last week and wants more.

"How about we go find some poor security guards to outwit, instead?" she asks cheekily, cocking her head. "Maybe Friday night?"

I smooth my expression into one that looks almost lazy. "Sure, I could make time for that."

Just then, our names are called for our to-go lunch order. Max automatically moves to grab it.

"Let's say Moriarty's at 9," Dani says.

"Sounds good," I agree. I hesitate, glancing down at the phone in her pocket. "Want to take my number so you have it?"

She shakes her head with a coy smile. "No. Because I don't need it, and you don't get mine yet. If you don't show up, I'll just go home with someone else instead."

I think my eyes widen in surprise but I'm too thrown off by her brazenness to really notice. I even allow myself to mutter, "Damn, girl. That's cold."

She huffs a laugh at that. "So make sure you show up then."

"Yes, ma'am," I drawl appreciatively. Turning to Max as he returns with our order, I nod my head toward the exit to signal that we're leaving.

He reads my unspoken message and turns to Dani to say, "It was nice meeting you, Dani."

"You, too," she says with a kind smile.

Max starts to walk toward the exit but before I follow him, I take two quick steps until I'm standing directly beside her. Until I can lean down to press my mouth to her ear.

"Do I get your number before or after I make you come? Because I have plans to do a lot of that on Friday, and I fully expect to earn it."

I only wait long enough to feel the shiver run through her at my words, then I'm following behind Max.



When I walk into Moriarty's on Friday night, I feel more excited than I've felt in a long time about a date. I tell myself it's because we've technically already gone on a "date," but deep down I know it's because of Dani. I've met confident, successful women before, but never one like her. And it makes me excited that it's so damn easy to like her and get along with her.

I scan the restaurant, my gaze bouncing from the tables to the bar, and it only takes a second to decide that Dani is definitely not a sit-down-and-have-dinner girl. After letting the hostess know I don't need a table, I walk over to the bar and take a seat at one of the stools.

"What can I get you?" the bartender asks when he stops in front of me.

It's an Irish pub, so it's not hard to decide on a Smithwick's while I wait. "Actually, can I get two double shots of whiskey, too?" I add.

"It's that kind of night, huh?" he asks with a knowing smirk.

With a chuckle, I respond, "Not exactly. But I have a feeling the girl I'm waiting for is a whiskey girl."