Page 29 of 5 Rounds

Two minutes after that, he gets another chokehold.

The bell rings to signal the end of the round but I barely hear it. "Again," I bark at Tristan.

Still expressionless, we shake hands and start again. He submits me with a toehold.

"Again." This time, it's a kneebar.

"Again," I pant. My muscles are shaking with exhaustion and I've given up playing my usual game of chess-like strategy. I’ve been reduced to using blatant physicality to try to survive.

But it's still not enough. Tristan is just too good. He shows no mercy, submitting me with another armlock and yet another chokehold.

"Again," I rasp as I roll away from him.

"No. You're done, Remy," I hear my coach call. I look over to see the entire gym is staring at Tristan and I. Aiden and Max are standing with their mouths gaping in shock.

I glance at Tristan. I note with satisfaction that he's breathing heavily, too. Even though he just kicked my ass for—I look at the timer and blanch—fourteen minutes straight, I at least put up enough of a fight to make him tired. It's a small consolation but a consolation nonetheless.

"You did enough today," Coach continues. "Good work. But you're done."

I peek at Tristan again, then look back at Coach. I nod weakly—and then immediately collapse onto my ass.

"I'm exhausted just from watching that," I hear Aiden mumble. "You two are nuts."

It takes me a good five minutes to peel myself off the mats. Lucy is waiting for me with my water bottle like the brilliant friend that she is. I smile gratefully when I reach her.

"For the record, you’re insane,” she says bluntly. When I only glare at her she shakes her head with a grin and continues. “But on another note, do you want to come out with us tonight? I meant to ask you earlier. Me and the guys want to check out that new bar on 8th Street. Ask Hailey if she wants to come, too."

I nod as I gulp down more water. "Okay, I'll call her when I leave here. Is that the place that's kind of upscale compared to the typical hipster bars in that area? Do I need to dress up?"

"It's not upscale but yeah, it's not an oversized tee and beanie kind of place. Just wear your usual jeans and combat boots but pick a sexy top or something. You don't have to go crazy."

I nod. "I can do that. What time are you going?"

"Let's just say 9:00. Does that work for you?"

I nod again. "I'm going to go home and take the world's biggest nap and then I'll get Hailey and meet you there."

"Perfect." She pauses and then glowers at me. "And tell Hailey it would be great if she didn't show us all up with her perfect outfits for once. It's not fair that she demands all the male—and female—attention in the bars. She already has a boyfriend, she shouldn't even need the attention."

I chuckle, shaking my head. "That's like telling her not to breathe. She can't even help it, it’s disgusting. But I'll try to get her to tone down the unassumingly gorgeous vibe." I roll my eyes, already knowing that task is a nearly impossible one.

Lucy grins. "That's all I ask."

I lean down to grab my bag with a groan. "I might regret this. Let's hope my nap is a miracle one that reinvigorates my body and soothes all of its aches and pains."

She claps me on the back, ignoring my sound of protest. "You're fine. Just throw down a couple of tequila shots and you'll be good as new."

* * *

A few hours later I've showered, eaten, and napped. I feel like a brand new person.

"I will never understand how naps act like an electroshock for you," Hailey grumbles from where she's sifting through the closet. "You close your eyes for fifteen minutes and down a Red Bull and it's like you got a full eight hours of sleep. It's inhuman."

I take a sip of said Red Bull and lean back against Jax's headboard with a content smile. "What can I say, it's a gift."

As Hailey shakes her head in disbelief, her attention seems to lock on something hanging in the closet. She pulls out a little black dress.

"This is perfect," she decides with a smile. "Simple, subtle, but sexy as fuck. You can wear those black heels you have from Ally's wedding."